OCE Publications

Researching Health Together: Engaging Patients and Stakeholders, From Topic Identification to Policy Change 1st Edition by Emily B. Zimmerman

Chapter 15:
Community Engagement in an Urban AIAN Community to Address Diabetes Prevention

Authors: J. Evans, L. Goldman Rosas, R. McClinton-Brown, J. Vasquez

Purchase on Amazon or Sage

Climate Change and Mental Health Equity: Editors: Rhonda J. Moore

About this book

Climate change is a driver of poverty, poor mental health, inequity, and increased intersectional vulnerability, with significant differential global impacts on individual and community health and well-being. For example, people living in low resource settings in high income countries (HICs) and in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) are at greater risk, often experiencing fragile socioeconomic, political and health infrastructures, and conflict-affected settings (FCAS) that place them at greater risk and vulnerabilities to climate change related mental health impacts. More


  • Places mental health equity and social justice lens on understandings of climate change adaptation/mitigation strategies
  • Specific focus on differential impacts on mental health in low resource settings in the US
  • Outlines some of the differential impacts in LMICS