Gu Laboratory
Radia Lab
Welcome to the Radiotherapy Innovation AI Lab (Radia Lab)
Welcome to the Radia Lab in the Department of Radiation Oncology, Division of Medical Physics at Stanford University. We are a group of devoted researchers with backgrounds in physics, engineering and medicine. Innovate and develop cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions to:
- Support radiotherapy clinic by enhancing professionals’ capability for improving patient care
- Support radiotherapy preclinic by facilitating researchers on radiobiology exploration
Our research utilizes deep learning approaches to solve clinical and pre-clinical challenges found in Radiation Oncology. We work closely with collaborators at UT Southwestern and MD Anderson.
Areas of interest:
- AimBMs: AI empowered SRS multiple brain metastases management platform
- AI-Crypt: AI empowered crypt scoring and iso-effective dose estimation platform
PI: Xuejun Gu
Admin Contact: Riya Prashad (
Phone: (530) 760 - 7163

Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology (Medical Physics)
Dr. Gu is Associate Professor and Director of Translational Research of Radiation Oncology Department at Stanford University. Dr. Gu's research has been focused on artificial intelligence in medicine, medical imaging and image analysis, and treatment planning. With the research emphasizing on clinical application, she has made unique and significant contributions to translating home-developed software platforms into the clinic and pre-clinic. Dr. Gu is an author on more than 100 peer reviewed publications, a co-inventor on many issued and pending patents, and a co- investigator or principal investigator on NIH and corporate grants. She is on the editorial boards of a number of journals in medical physics and medical imaging.