Clinical Researchers spend thousands of hours reviewing charts and transcribing data into REDCap - a tedious, time consuming and error-prone process.
What if we could speed this process up for structured data and eliminate data transcription errors at the same time?
Research IT has built a system we call “Data Upload Service for Translational rEsearch on Redcap”, or DUSTER. It prompts you to answer a few questions, then automatically imports the data you specify from STARR into REDCap.
It is designed to save time in acquiring EMR data for research study patients.
Chart review is rote, hugely time consuming, and error-prone. Data analysis on the other hand is a valuable skill for researchers to learn, and is where the science happens.
By automating chart review of structured data with DUSTER, your study team can focus on the science, publishing more results in less time and with greater consistency and accuracy than before.