
AIM #6

Research the impact of coaching interventions

COACHME@Stanford is supported in 2021-2022 with an Innovation Grant from the Teaching and Mentoring Academy. The grant supports the development of online coach training for Stanford faculty. This current COACHME@Stanford project is a collaboration with the Office of Academic Affairs, Graduate Medical Education, Faculty Development and Diversity, the Coaching Steering Committee (Departments of Pediatrics, Surgery, Neurology, Emergency Medicine, Dermatology), the Educators-4-Care Program, and Continuing Medical Education. The course promotes a broader use of coaching with faculty and trainees, with a desired potential impact that ranges from the individual to the systemic; e.g., professionalization as physicians; developing a growth mindset; and averting burnout. The grant’s Principal Investigator, Dr. Sarah Williams, and Co-PI, Dr. Rania Sanford.