We are recruiting autistic children for a research study to examine the effects of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on restricted and repetitive behaviors (RRBs).
Who is Eligibile?
· Children between age 3-12 years old and diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder
· Exhibit moderate to severe RRBs
· Will drink NAC or placebo dissolved in water
What is involved?
· Cognitive and behavioral testing (ex. IQ)
· Weekly virtual visits
· Weekly surveys and questionnaires
· 12 weeks of blinded study drug administration
· Neuroimaging (MRI and EEG) if residing within 300 miles of Stanford campus
Interested in participating or want to learn more? Complete our Initial Intake Form to begin the first steps of our screening process!
Have questions? Please contact our study team via email at autismresearch@stanford.edu or by phone at (650)723-7845.