Lab Photos
Celebrating the start of the lab's fourth decade in 2020.
We'll break for sunshine
and coffee
Larry and Mike 2016
Bake-off between Steinman & Bollyky labs
Goodbye Sid! 2015
Osaka, Japan with Yoshi, 2015
Asilomar 2014 with the Han Lab
2012 NMO roundtable, May & Larry
Keystone Symposia 2015, Taos, NM
MS Keystone Symposia 2013, Big Sky, MT
2013 Lab Dinner
ECTRIMS 2011, Amersterdam
Larry's 2011 Charcot Lecture
Group Lunch in Amsterdam
Bob Axtell
Giants vs Phillies, 2010
Always multitasking
Mike & Larry
Hedwich & Larry
Katja & Larry
The Fake Foul Ball
Okay, it was Mae's idea
Catch that SF Giants T-shirt
Too much excitement for Bob
2009 Farewell lunch for May Han and Brigit de Jong
Lab Group 2008
Farewell lunch for Shalina Ousman 2008
ISNI 2004 with Hideki & Paulo
Michael and Larry
2004 Farewell Lunch for Michael Platten
Farewell lunch for Pedro Ruiz
Fall 2000
Farewell to David Hirschberg
Summer 2000
Teri, Mae, & Jason