As a clinical health psychologist and a health services researcher, Dr. Trivedi envisions a culturally attuned health care system that are not only patient centered, but framily centered. Such a system would engage and empower framily (family members and friends) in navigating the healthcare system on the patient’s behalf while receiving the culturally attuned supports and services receive that they need. Her studies have provided insights into how framilies and chronically and seriously ill patients collaborate around their mutual health, understanding the impact of their interpersonal relationship on chronic illness self-management, and the individual, dyadic, and systems-level barriers that they encounter. She has developed two technology-enabled dyadic self-management programs to address the stress management needs of both patients and their framily. She has been PI or co-I on several VA and NIH funded projects, including the funded Elizabeth Dole Center of Excellence for Veterans and Caregiver Research. This is a 4-site, virtual center of excellence to understand and address the unmet needs of caregivers of seriously ill Veterans. She serves as the Director of Caregiving and Family Systems at the Stanford Center for Asian Health Research and Education (CARE). A secondary interest for Dr. Trivedi is to improve the management of mental health conditions in primary care settings. She has conducted several national evaluations on the effects of the VA patient centered medical home model on Veterans with mental health conditions. These studies have formed the basis of policy briefs that have influenced VA policy. Her work has been recognized through several awards, including a VA HSR&D Career Development Award, Sojourns Scholars Leadership Program, and American Psychological Association's Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology. Dr. Trivedi is passionate about training the next generation and frequently mentors graduate students, psychology interns, and postdoctoral and post-residency fellows. She is the Training Director at the Center for Innovation to Implementation at the VA Palo Alto Health Care System and the national Training Director of the Elizabeth Dole National Center of Excellence for Veteran and Caregiver Research, and provides regular mentorship to 12-15 postdoctoral and post-residency fellows focusing on health services research, medical informatics, and the science of informal caregiving. She serves on the Health Policy council of the Society for Health Psychology and is part of the Research Collaborative of the National Alliance of Caregiving.