SOAP Annual Meeting Shines Spotlight on Innovative Observations and Exceptional Division Honors.

May 23, 2024

Observations from Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology (SOAP)

Observations provided Dr Emily Stockert and Dr Jessie Ansari
Observations are simply provided as a courtesy, and are not necessarily endorsed by the authors, the Division, or by Stanford. They do not constitute in any way, shape or form medical advice from a medical provider, nor do they create a physician-patient relationship. Treating individuals must use their own clinical judgment and be aware of and leverage evidence-based medicine when they prescribe or utilize treatments for patients.

  • Post-Dobbs impact on maternal healthcare: Florida just passed a 6-week abortion ban, which means the entire Southeast of the US lacks access to abortion care, even in cases such as rape, anencephaly, or PPROM. Of note: PPROM <18 weeks carries dismal fetal prognosis and very high maternal morbidity and mortality if managed expectantly.
  • Pregnancy tests are being ordered reflexively in every female in a certain age range which could lead to potential harm in abortion restrictive states
    • Indications for pre-op pregnancy testing:
      • pregnancy would obviate the need for surgery
      • significant (therapeutic) radiation to the pelvis
      • administration of chemotherapy
      • significant manipulation of pelvic organs
  • Uterine tone scores at 2, 7 and 12 min after delivery (on a scale of 1 is worst possible thru 10 as best possible tone) can help guide treatment; 35% of cesareans will have hemorrhage, 12% major hemorrhage, and 7% will require transfusion
  • Reach for CaCl in a hemorrhage after 2nd oxytocin bolus does not work. 3 gram of calcium gluconate is equivalent to 1 gram of calcium chloride. Give both slowly to avoid nausea, flushing, and bradycardia.
  • Treat intraoperative cesarean pain aggressively - it is not uncommon, and PTSD from the childbirth experience is also a growing issue (maternal suicide remains a huge problem: breakthrough pain during C section occurs in up to 15% of intrapartum cesarean deliveries with epidural top up. We should do our best to recognize and replace nonfunctional catheters before surgery begins, and to actually believe patients when they endorse discomfort.
  • Asking patients during cesarean “is it pressure or pain” is a poor distinction to make. If someone pressed their thumb over your eyeball as hard as they could, it would be both “pressure” and “painful”.
  • Pain during postpartum tubal ligation is often only skin deep and right at the umbilicus. A possible mechanism is that embryologic umbilical innervation may come from the falciform at T4. If a patient has pain when the OB tests umbilicus despite a good bilateral level with their block, infiltrate the umbilicus with local anesthetic.
  • In an ex-vivo study of uterine tissue, phenylephrine and ephedrine were found to significantly INCREASE myometrial contractility, however norepinephrine had no effect (note, this was ex-vivo so there was no indirect release of catecholamines from ephedrine)
  • Beware of the maternal airway after atony and high oxytocin infusions
  • People who completed OB anesthesia fellowships are overwhelmingly glad they did (even those many years out from fellowship and working in private practice or community settings).

Division Honors at SOAP


  • Stanford had 3 of the 6 best papers, and Jessica Ansari won the Best Research Paper Competition
  • Eva Martinez presented one of the 6 papers in the Gertie Marx Research Competition
  • Pervez Sultan won the Research in Education award
  • Stanford OB Anesthesia also had 2 studies of the 8 oral presentations

Other awards:

  • Teacher of the Year Award (> 10 Years): Clemens Ortner
  • Diversity & Inclusivity Award: Cesar Padilla
  • Distinguished Service Award: Brendan Carvalho
  • Diversity & Inclusivity Mentored Grant: Claudia Sotillo, MD & Pervez Sultan


For a list of all Honorees, visit the 2024 SOAP Annual Meeting webpage.

Dr. Eva Martinez participating in the Gertie Marx Competition.