Current Lab Members
Anupama Narla (PI)
Anu received her BA in Human Biology and Biomedical Ethics from Brown University and an MD from the University of Pennsylvania. She completed her Residency in Pediatrics at UCSF and a Fellowship in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Children’s Hospital Boston. Her Post-doctoral work was done at Brigham and Woman’s Hospital with Benjamin L. Ebert MD PhD.
Nan Wang, PhD
Nan received her PhD in Immunology from Indiana University. After finishing her postdoctoral training at Stanford University she joined the Narla lab in 2016. Her current research is focused on understanding the pathogenesis and therapies for ribosomopathies including Diamond Blackfan anemia and 5q- myelodysplastic syndrome using an erythropoiesis cell culture system and patient samples.
Corinne LaVasseur (left)
Worked as a technician on DBA projects in the Narla lab for 3 years. Currently a 3rd year medical student at Case Western University.
Stephanie Vasquez (middle)
Worked as a technician on drug development in the Narla lab for 1 year. Currently working in scientific consulting in the Bay Area.