Emergency Medical Responders (EMRs) provide immediate lifesaving care to critical patients who access the emergency medical services system. EMRs have the knowledge and skills necessary to provide immediate lifesaving interventions while awaiting additional EMS resources to arrive. EMRs also provide assistance to higher-level personnel at the scene of emergencies and during transport. Emergency Medical Responders are a vital part of the comprehensive EMS response. Under medical oversight, Emergency Medical Responders perform basic interventions with minimal equipment.”  -NREMT.org

  • One-quarter course (EMED 111A) offered in Fall, Winter, Spring
  • 60 hours of education for EMR certification
  • At this time, no California state EMR certificate, but recognized by National Registry of EMTs


Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) provide out of hospital emergency medical care and transportation for critical and emergent patients who access the emergency medical services (EMS) system. EMTs have the basic knowledge and skills necessary to stabilize and safely transport patients ranging from non-emergency and routine medical transports to life threatening emergencies. Emergency Medical Technicians function as part of a comprehensive EMS response system, under medical oversight. Emergency Medical Technicians perform interventions with the basic equipment typically found on an ambulance. Emergency Medical Technicians are a critical link between the scene of an emergency and the health care system.”  -NREMT.org

  • Two-quarter course (EMED 111B/C) offered in Winter + Spring

            - Prerequisite is EMED 111A or consent of instructor

  • 180 hours of education required for California EMT certification

            - Includes 60 hours from EMED 111A

  • Provides eligibility for California state EMT certificate


An Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) is trained to provide emergency medical care to the critically ill and injured. Depending on where they work, EMTs may be solely responsible for the treatment and transportation of their patients, or may assist a paramedic, nurse, physician or other advanced life support provider.

Once thought of as an "ambulance driver or attendant," the modern EMT performs many more duties than in the past, and responds to many types of emergency calls, including medical emergencies, hazardous materials exposure, childbirth, child abuse, fires, rescues, injuries, trauma, and psychiatric crises. They may be part of an Emergency Medical Service/System (EMS), Fire Agency, or independent rescue team. EMTs have also been actively deployed through the COVID-19 pandemic to assist with patient overflow in heavily impacted urban settings, as well as serving in roles related to screening, testing, and prevention.

EMTs are trained in practical emergency medical knowledge and skills that can be deployed within a rapid time frame. Patient treatment guidelines are described in protocols following both national guidelines and local medical policies. The goal of EMT intervention is to rapidly evaluate a patient's condition and to maintain a patient's airway, breathing and circulation by CPR and defibrillation. In addition, EMT intervention aims to control external bleeding, prevent shock, and prevent further injury or disability by immobilizing potential spinal or other bone fractures, while expediting the safe and timely transport of the patient to a hospital emergency department for definitive medical care.