Listen and Learn

How Do You ASCEND?

Session 1: Being Present

Take a Breath

Session 1: Intro

Session 1: Technique Builder

Session 1: How to Use

Session 2: Receiving Compassion

Compassionate Friend

Session 2: Intro

Session 2: Technique Builder

Session 2: How to Use

Session 3: Self-Compassion

Self-Compassion Break

Session 3: Intro

Session 3: Technique Builder

Session 3: How to Use

Session 4: Extending Compassion to Others

One for Me, One for You

Session 4: Intro

Session 4: Technique Builder

Session 4: How to Use

Session 5: Self-Compassion and Emotions

Feel it and You Can Heal it

Session 5: Intro

Session 5: Technique Builder

Session 5: How to Use

Session 6: Maintain Self-Compassion with Others

Everyone is on Their Own Life Journey

Session 6: Intro

Session 6: Technique Builder

Session 6: How to Use