Current Research and Scholarly Interests
The Mallick lab focuses on translating multi-omic discovery into precision diagnostics. In particular we use tightly integrated computational and experimental, multi-omic approaches to discover the processes underlying how cells behave (or misbehave) and accordingly how cancers develop and grow. We hope that by exploring these processes, and by formalizing our knowledge in predictive mathematical models that we will be able to better identify biomarkers that can be used to detect cancers earlier and describe how they are likely to behave (e.g. aggressive vs indolent, drug sensitive vs responsive).
More specifically, we are working in three focus areas: Cancer Systems Biology, Multi-scale Biomarker Biology and Technology Development. Notably, many of the studies in our group are investigating fundamental physiological processes and thus are generally applicable to a range of cell-types and diseases.
Our group has also been leading the development of ProteoWizard, an open source set of libraries and tools to simplify the process of developing proteomics tools. They read and write the HUPO-PSI mzML standard and have been incorporated into the ISB's transproteomicpipeline!
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