12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
Tuesday Tue
Stanford University School of Medicine
291 Campus DrStanford, CA 94305
Medical Physics Seminar - Yi Rong, PhD, FAAPM
Building a Safe and Effective Practice in Radiation Oncology
Location: Zoom
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12:00PM – 1:00PM Seminar & Discussion
Sponsored by the Radiation Oncology, Division of Medical Physics
Yi Rong, PhD, FAAPM, professor of medicine and biomedical ethics
Dr. Rong is a professor and photon lead physicist in the department of Radiation Oncology at Mayo Clinic Arizona. She have published over 80 journal papers, most being the 1st-author or corresponding author. She also have published several aapm task group reports, book chapters, and have received internal funding for her research. Dr. Rong's research interests have been exploring advanced technology and algorithms with clinical benefits.
Both AAPM and ASTRO advocate initiatives that help to ensure a safe, efficient radiation oncology practice. Standardization, automation, and integration are three most important aspects in ensuring treatment safety and efficiency. AAPM TG-263 provided suggestions for nomenclature standardization; TG-275 reported highest-risk failure modes with informed data for recommended initial chart/plan review, weekly chart check, and final chart checks. Practice guideline 4. provided recommendations on creating safety cultures and implementing checklists for implementing new procedures in the clinic. This talk will provide practical experience following the above guidelines in our clinic and elaborate detailed examples how medical physicists can expand their roles in ensuring departmental integration, automation, and standardization.