12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
Tuesday Tue
Stanford University School of Medicine
291 Campus DrStanford, CA 94305
Medical Physics Seminar - Liyong Lin PhD
Integrated Biological Optimization – Intensity-Modulated Proton Therapy (IBO-IMPT) for FLASH applications: An open-source framework for physicists, biologists, and physicians
Location: Zoom
Zoom Details
Webinar URL: https://stanford.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_j1zCOA3wTUaOW1k9ue6zHQ
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Webinar ID: 981 4830 1798
Passcode: 366874
12:00PM – 1:00PM Seminar & Discussion
Sponsored by the Radiation Oncology, Division of Medical Physics
Liyong Lin PhD, Associate Professor at Emory University School of Medicine
As an expert on Monte Carlo (MC) methods and proton radiotherapy, I previously chaired the NRG workgroup for the application of MC methods in clinical trials and currently chair the NRG workgroup for stereotactic body proton therapy/ I am the physics co-chair of a newly approved NCI Phase 3 clinical trial “Phase III Prospective Randomized Trial of Primary Lung Tumor Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Followed by Concurrent Mediastinal Chemoradiation for Locally-Advanced Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer” NRG-LU 008. I also chair of the AAPM task group TG349 to validate MC methods in commercial treatment planning systems. I have 77 peer-reviewed journal papers with H-index of 25 (Scopus). I am also the author of 2 AAPM task group reports, 1 PTCOG lung committee consensus paper and 1 NRG MC Workgroup paper.
The recorded seminar will be available after the event.