Connect® MM- The Multiple Myeloma Disease Registry

Not Recruiting

Trial ID: NCT01081028


The purpose of the Connect® MM Registry is to explore the natural history and real world management of patients with newly diagnosed symptomatic multiple myeloma (MM) and provide unique insights into the management of MM and the impact of this hematologic disorder on patients.

Official Title

Connect® MM- The Multiple Myeloma Disease Registry


Inclusion Criteria:

   - Newly diagnosed with symptomatic MM within 2 months of enrollment in Connect®MM

   - Age ≥18 years

   - Willing and able to provide signed informed consent

   - Agrees to complete patient assessment questionnaires either alone or with minimal
   assistance from caregivers and/or trained site personnel

Exclusion Criteria:

- None

Not Recruiting

Contact Information

Stanford University
School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive
Stanford, CA 94305
Michaela Liedtke

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