CDCM International Relations

In addition to domestic partnerships and research, the CDCM also fosters relationships with organizations around the globe to collaborate and further its goal of finding curative treatments for currently untreatable illnesses. Over 40 countries participate annually in the CDCM and Alpha Beta Symposia. 

Our faculty have also been invited to speak at international meetings and consistently engage with fellow researchers with shared goals. The CDCM strives to establish relationships both domestically and internationally to advance the cell and gene therapy field to new heights.

CDCM Global Relations Map

Past Meetings and Collaborations

Dr. Matthew Porteus Delivers Keynote at The 11th International Symposium of Cell and Gene Therapy Institute (6/28/24)

Every year, the Samsung Medical Center (SMC) in Korea hosts a symposium with this year's focus on cell and gene therapy with high clinical unmet needs as well as an efficient transfer of laboratory studies to the clinic.

Dr. Matthew Porteus was invited to the symposium as a speaker and delivered the keynote, presenting his work and research within the cell and gene therapy field. The full program for the symposium can be viewed here

Dr. Yun Sil Chang's International Keynote at the CDCM 8th Annual Symposium (3/13/24)

At the CDCM 8th Annual Symposium, Dr. Yun Sil Chang, Director of CGTI at the Samsung Medical Center (Korea), gave a keynote presentation about "Mesenchymal Stem (stromal) Cell Therapy in Neonatal Intractable Brain Disorders".

Dr. Matthew Porteus's Meeting with SNUH President (8/31/2023)

While traveling to South Korea to give a talk at 7th Annual International Congress of Blood and Marrow Transplantation (ICBMT 2023), Matt Porteus met with President and CEO of Seoul National University Hospital (SNUH), YoungTae Kim, and YongJin Kim, President of the Biomedical Research Institute of SNUH, to discuss a potential collaboration between the CDCM and SNUH.

Korean Minister of Health Visit (7/7/23)

On July 7, the Ministry of Health and Welfare from the Republic of Korea came to Stanford to visit its campus and meet with the leadership and faculty members of the CDCM. The purpose of the visit was to learn more about Stanford’s cell and gene therapy activities, including research, clinical care, and training. Discussions centered around Stanford Medicine's advanced practices in various practices such as precision medicine through cell and gene therapy, the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP), and the Clinical and Translation Science Awards (CTSA). Opportunities for future collaborations between Stanford Medicine and research-focused hospitals in Korea were also explored. 

Dr. Anthony Oro's Keynote Presentation at CGTI Symposium (6/24/2023)

Tony Oro was invited to give a keynote talk at Samsung Medical Center’s 10th International Symposium of Cell and Gene Therapy Institute, “Hope for Patients with Incurable Disease,” on June 23, 2023. This was an opportunity to highlight the CDCM and specifically his work developing novel genetically corrected pluripotent cell-derived tissue organoids for definitive wound therapy.

Samsung Medical Center Visit (4/14/2023)

A team of delegates from Samsung Medical Center Cell and Gene Therapy Institute (CGTI), including their Director, Yun Sil Chang, visited Stanford on April 14, 2023 in order to learn more about our clinical and research endeavors in cell and gene therapy. The visit provided an overview of Stanford Children’s Health, the CDCM, and helped establish new relationships between the two scientific teams, which both hope will extend to long term mutual knowledge sharing.

Sidra Medicine/Qatar Visit (1/26/2023)

Matt Porteus has been invited to Sidra Medical and Research Center in Doha, Qatar, on several occasions (2019, 2022) to present his research on genome editing. The collaborative relationship that has developed with their team continues to foster an exchange of knowledge. The Sidra team, including the Director of Advanced Cell Therapy Core, Chiara Cugno, MD and Chief Research Officer and Chair of the Precision Medicine Program, Khalid Fakhro, PhD, visited Stanford on January 26, 2023 to learn more about the CDCM’s work in genetic engineering, novel hematopoietic stem cell transplantation techniques, and cell and gene manufacturing at the LCGM.

Medlab Middle East Meeting (2/3-5/2020)

Alice Bertaina was invited to present at the Medlab Middle East Congress 2020 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. This international meeting brings physicians and clinical support teams together to learn about the latest developments in medicine. Dr Bertaina’s talk highlighted the alpha/beta T-cell depletion protocol for HSCT.

Italian President Sergio Mattarella's Visit/Innovation Forum (10/18/2019)

Stanford Medicine and Stanford Engineering hosted a joint forum in collaboration with the Italian Trade Agency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and Confindustria on October 18, 2019. The forum focused on emerging technologies in material science, engineering, and life sciences. Maria Grazia Roncarolo, Director of the CDCM, was one of the panelists for the Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Life Science panel.

Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson's CDCM Visit (9/21/2018)

The Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson, made a visit to the CDCM and Stanford Children’s Health on September 21, 2018, to learn more about the needs of our patients both in children’s and maternal medicine. While here, she heard about several research programs, including antibody-based conditioning for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, engineered tissue to treat epidermolysis bullosa, and other regenerative medicine therapies in development.