About Our Research

The BRIDGE Lab at Stanford is dedicated to researching the effect of altered genetics on brain development and neuropsychiatric conditions, with the aim of improving children's mental health and development. Our research is focused on identifying the mechanistic targets for medical interventions through clinical research. We are committed to providing a deeper understanding of the brain that can ultimately enhance the lives of those affected by neuropsychiatric conditions. 

Photo Gallery

Holiday Brunch!

Lab Talks

Git Workshop

An evening for the RASopathies community

A BRIDGE Webinar!

Farewell to Monica!

Yaffa Presenting at ISBP 2023

Lunch in Dr. Green's backyard

Mira's Halloween Costume!

Poster Session with Jen

Outing with the Lab!

Lab News & Events

Welcome to Bio-X

USRP 2023 - Utilizing Genetic Fingerprints in Psychiatry: Harnessing the Power of Big Data

2023 Stanford Bio-X Undergraduate Summer Research Program Talks - Wednesday, August 2, 2023 - Tamar Green, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences (Interdisciplinary Brain Sciences)

How can I be the best advocate for my child's needs at school? | BRIDGE at Stanford University

Join Dr. Tamar Green, Thayer Gershon, and fellow parents and caretakers of children with RASopathies for an intimate discussion about evaluations and school accommodations.

BRIDGE at Stanford University

ADHD, Learning Disabilities, and Autism in NF1 | BRIDGE at Stanford University

Dr. Green joins the NF Network and NF California as a guest speaker.

BRIDGE at Stanford University

RASopathies and COVID-19 Webinar | BRIDGE at Stanford University

Dr. Green and other members of the Science Advisory Board for the RASopathies Network hosted a webinar on RASopathies and COVID-19.

BRIDGE at Stanford University

How do sex chromosomes affect ADHD symptoms? | BRIDGE at Stanford University

We published our new study looking at ADHD, executive function, and processing speed in children with sex chromosome number variations.

BRIDGE at Stanford University

How does Noonan syndrome impact functional connectivity in children? | BRIDGE at Stanford University

We published our new study looking at functional connectivity in the brain in children with pathogenic variants in the Ras/MAPK pathway associated with Noonan syndrome.