(Re)Designing Reproductive Health Education

Resources for (re)designing education

Stanford's Center for Teaching and Learning: The IDEAL Pedagogy program

Promoting inclusive and equitable pedagogy to represent all dimensions of diversity, student belonging, and equal access for all students. Learn more

"A framework to promote equity in clinical clerkships," The Clinical Teacher

Diversifying the medical student body without striving for equity in the clerkship (first full-time clinical training year) learning environment disadvantages under-represented in medicine (UIM) students and undermines the educational process. PubMed


LOOM offers online programs that help women thrive in their bodies at every stage. Learn more

 "The Imperative for Transgender and Gender Nonbinary Inclusion,"Obstetrics and Gynecology

The authors make evident that solely referencing cisgender women in the context of sexual and reproductive health—particularly pregnancy planning and care—excludes a diverse group of transgender and gender nonbinary people who have sexual and reproductive health needs and experiences that can be similar to but also unique from those of cisgender women. PubMed



Health Equity Rounds in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Coming soon