Trends in Outpatient Quality Indicators

Principal Investigator: Randall S. Stafford 
Funding Agency: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 
Duration: 07/01/2002 - 06/30/2005

Recent Article Publications and Submissions

Ma J, Urizar G, Stafford RS. Diet and physical activity counseling during ambulatory care visits in the U.S. In Press: Prev Med, 2004.

Ma J, Stafford RS. The quality of outpatient care in the U.S.: temporal changes and racial/ethnic disparities. Submitted to: Annals Int Med, 2004.

Ma J, Wang Y, Stafford RS. Utilization of nonemergent ambulatory care and receipt of prevention counseling among adolescents in the United States. Submitted to: J Adol Health, 2004

Sehgal NL, Finkelstein SN, Stafford RS. The impact of drug innovation on national trends in diabetes mellitus treatment. Submitted to JAMA, 2004.

Ma J, Sehgal NL, Ayanian JZ, Stafford RS. National trends in statin use by CHD risk category. Submitted to: J Am Coll Cardiol, 2004