
Dominique B. Figueroa

Formerly: Research Assistant, Elias Lab

Current whereabouts: Dominique is in the midst of her doctoral studies with Philip Cole at Johns Hopkins.

Izumi Hinkson

Formerly: Graduate Student, Chemical and Systems Biology

Current whereabouts: AAAS fellow

Josh Lichtman

Formerly: Graduate Student, Chemical and Systems Biology

Current whereabouts: Scientist at NGM Biopharmaceuticals

John Sanders

Formerly: Graduate Student, Chemical and Systems Biology

Current whereabouts: After successfully defending his thesis, Analysis of dynamic signaling systems by mass spectrometry-based measurement of post-translational modifications, John promptly landed a position at Genentech. He is now the co -founder of PocketSquares, Inc.

Annette Scharf

Formerly: Postdoctoral Researcher, Chemical and Systems Biology

Current whereabouts: Annette is now conducting mass spectrometry and proteomics research at the University of Heidelberg

Arun Devabhaktuni

Formerly: Graduate Student, Chemical and Systems Biology  

Current whereabouts: Arun is now building businesses in Bangkok

Niclas Olsson

Formerly: Postdoctoral Fellow, Chemical and Systems Biology  

Current whereabouts: Scientist at Cailico Life Sciences

Ellen Casavant

Formerly: Graduate Student, Chemical and Systems Biology  

Current whereabouts: Ellen is working at Genentech as a consultant.

Carlos Gonzalez

Formerly: Graduate Student, Chemical and Systems Biology  

Current whereabouts: Chasing waves and postdoctoral fellowships at UCSD.