Illumina NovaSeq 6000 and PacBio Sequel available to Stanford researchers

Hassan Chaib, the director of laboratory operations

The Genome Sequencing Service Center (GSSC) has installed the first Illumina NovaSeq 6000 System on campus, providing researchers with a production-scale sequencer that runs two- to three-times faster than Illumina’s previous model, the HiSeq 4000. The GSSC is a Stanford-based resource that offers library preparation (generating a collection of DNA fragments for sequencing) and sequencing services on a variety of technology platforms.

“A single S4 flow cell has the throughput to sequence 30 human genomes, 400 exomes or 400 transcriptomes in a single run at a 50-percent reduction in cost compared to the HiSeq 4000. It supports single-read and paired-end sequencing, with read lengths of up to 2 × 150 base pairs,” said Hassan Chaib, PhD, the director of laboratory operations.

A Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) Sequel system is also up and running, providing researchers with Single Molecule, Real-Time (SMRT) sequencing capabilities. With SMRT Sequencing, you can add depth and clarity to your sequencing results through long reads, the highest consensus accuracy, uniform coverage and simultaneous epigenetic detection. SMRT Sequencing gives you the ability to accurately target and characterize complex regions; resolve structural variation across the complete size spectrum with base-pair resolution, create gold standard references unique to a population, disease or individual; and unlock isoform diversity with full-length transcript and transcriptome sequencing. PacBio long-read sequencing provides exceptional read lengths without compromising throughput or accuracy, with the current chemistry generating up to 50GB of data per SMRT cell, with half of the data in reads greater than 190kB. Use the PacBio sequencer to obtain the most comprehensive view of your genome, transcriptome and epigenome.

For sequencing and sample prep pricing, visit the Genome Sequencing Service Center at or contact us at