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Researcher Resources
These researcher resources are provided by Spectrum as part of our mission to accelerate the translation of basic scientific discoveries into practical solutions.
Acknowledge the Grant:
NIH Required Language
Spectrum projects that are funded by or utilize resources or services funded by the Stanford CTSA are required to acknowledge the grant in publications and grant applications. This includes the use of the CTRU, funding for pilot projects, biostaticians, informatics, and other consultation services—and research training such as the K12 and pilot programs.
Clinical Research Unit (CRU)
Clinical Research Units (CRU) seek to create an organizational framework, at the departmental or divisional level, that promotes high-quality clinical and translational research and operational success.
Scientific Core Facilities
The Stanford University School of Medicine supports a number of shared research facilities housing specialized scientific instruments and services. These include over 20 scientific Service Centers, which are open to all researchers in the University at predetermined fees, and a number of Cores, which house equipment shared among a group of labs.
Additional Resources
Data Studio
Receive extensive and in-depth consultation on research questions, data and statistical models.
Quantitative Science Unit
Obtain professional data analysis support using the most modern statistical techniques and secure HIPAA- and IRB-compliant management and coordination of data.