Craig Levin, PhD
of Physics, of Electrical Engineering and of
Director, Molecular Imaging Instrumentation
Laboratory (MIIL)
Director, Stanford Molecular Imaging Scholars
(SMIS) Program
Co-Director, Stanford Center for Innovation in
In-Vivo Imaging (SCI3)
Faculty, Molecular Imaging Program
at Stanford (MIPS)
Faculty, Division of Nuclear Medicine
Research Statement
The research interests of the molecular imaging instrumentation lab are to create novel instrumentation and software algorithms for in vivo imaging of molecular signatures of disease in humans and small laboratory animals. These new cameras efficiently image radiation emissions in the form of positrons, annihilation photons, gamma rays, and/or light emitted from molecular contrast agents that were introduced into the body and distributed in the subject tissues. These contrast agents are designed to target molecular pathways of disease biology and enable imaging of these biological signatures in tissues residing deep within the body using measurements made from outside the body.
The goals of the instrumentation projects are to advance the sensitivity and spatial, spectral, and/or temporal resolutions, and to create new camera geometries for special biomedical applications. The algorithm goals are to understand the physical system comprising the subject tissues, radiation transport, and imaging system, and to provide the best available image quality and quantitative accuracy.
The work involves designing and building instrumentation, including arrays of position sensitive sensors, readout electronics, and data acquisition electronics, signal processing research, including creation of computer models, and image reconstruction, image processing, and data/image analysis algorithms, and incorporating these innovations into practical imaging devices.
The ultimate goal is to introduce these new imaging tools into studies of molecular mechanisms and treatments of disease within living subjects.
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