Peter Greenberg: Research
As Director of the Stanford MDS Center, Dr Peter Greenberg has an active clinical practice focusing on evaluating and treating patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and clonal myeloid disorders. His clinical research involves design and coordination of clinical trials using experimental drugs with biologic focus for both lower and higher risk MDS patients not responding to standard therapies. He is Coordinator of the International Working Group for Prognosis in MDS (IWG-PM) which generated the revised MDS classification system (the IPSS-R) and that is now evaluating the impact of molecular mutations on this risk-based prognostic system. He is Chair of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Practice Guidelines Panel for MDS and is a member of the World Health Organization (WHO) Clinical Advisory Committee for Classification of hematopoietic neoplasms: AML and myeloid neoplasms.
Clinical Research
The Clinical Research ongoing through the Stanford MDS Center includes trials with:
1. The spliceosome inhibitor H3B-8800 for MDS patients with splice gene mutations;
2. The check point PD-L1 inhibitor atezolizumab plus azacitidine for higher risk MDS;
3. The TGFbeta inhibitor luspatercept for refractory anemia MDS patients with ring sideroblasts;
4. A biologically focused trial using MDS marrow cell chemosensitivity and computer simulated modeling of molecularly altered signaling pathways to assess potentially beneficial off-label therapies for patients unresponsive to standard therapy.