Emily Anaya Awarded Two-year NeuroTech Training Program Fellowship
Emily Anaya, a graduate student in the Department of Electrical Engineering and member of the Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Lab (MIIL), has been awarded a two-year NeuroTech Training Program Fellowship at the Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute’s Center for Mind, Brain, Computation and Technology, and accepted as an inaugural member of the selective NeuroTech training program. The NeuroTech program is for Stanford graduate students in technical disciplines who wish to augment their PhD by learning how to apply their skills to challenges in the neurosciences.
Congratulations, Emily!
Emily Anaya Awarded Two-year Stanford Graduate Fellowship
Emily Anaya, a graduate student in the Department of Electrical Engineering and member of the Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Lab (MIIL), has been awarded a two-year Stanford Graduate Fellowship. This is the highest award offered by Stanford University and the Department of Electrical Engineering. She was nominated for this award by the department and approved by the Graduate Fellowships Faculty Advisory Committee because her great promise as a researcher.
Congratulations, Emily!
Min Sun Lee Received 2019 IEEE NPSS Ronald J. Jaszcak Graduate Award
Min Sun Lee, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow in the Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Laboratory (MIIL), is the 2019 IEEE NPSS Ronald J. Jaszcak Graduate Award recipient, which recognizes and enables an outstanding graduate student enrolled in an accredited Ph.D. curriculum, Post-doctoral Fellow or Ph.D. level Research Associate in the field of nuclear and medical imaging sciences to advance his/her research activities.
Collaborative Paper from Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Lab Received Alavi-Mandell Award
The Journal of Nuclear Medicine paper, "Studies of a Next Generation Silicon-Photomultiplier-Based Time-of-Flight PET/CT System," a collaboration between the Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Laboratory (MIIL), GE and the University of Uppsala, is the recipient of the 2018 Alavi–Mandell Award.
Congratulations, researchers!
Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Lab Paper Selected as Featured Article in Physics in Medicine and Biology
The paper, "Gray: a ray tracing-based Monte Carlo simulator for PET," from the Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Laboratory (MIIL), has been selected as a featured article for the May issue of the journal Physics and Engineering in Medicine.
Congratulations, researchers!
Researchers in Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Lab Receive AAPM Sylvia & Moses Greenfield Paper Award
Researchers from the Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Laboratory (MIIL) have been selected by the AAPM as a recipient of the Sylvia & Moses Greenfield Award for an outstanding paper on imaging published in Medical Physics in 2017 for his paper, "Simultaneous PET/MR imaging with a radio frequency-penetrable PET insert," Medical Physics 44 (1), 112–120 (2017).
The award will be presented to the authors at the Awards Ceremony during the upcoming AAPM Meeting in Nashville, TN, on Monday, July 30, 2018.
Congratulations, researchers!
Andrew Groll Selected as Ford Foundation 2018 Postdoctoral Fellowship Competition Awardee
Andrew Nicholas Groll, PhD, a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Laboratory (MIIL), has been selected as an awardee in the Ford Foundation 2018 Postdoctoral Fellowship Competition. This fellowship is sponsored by the Ford Foundation and administered by the Fellowships Office of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
Through its Fellowship Programs, the Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation’s college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, to maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and to increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.
In addition to the fellowship award, Ford Fellows are eligible to attend the Conference of Ford Fellows, a unique national conference of a select group of high-achieving scholars committed to diversifying the professoriate and using diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.
Congratulations, Andrew!
Joshua Cates, PhD and Li Tao, PhD, Receive 2017 Valentin T. Jordanov Radiation Instrumentation Travel Grant
August 17, 2017
Postdoctoral research fellows, Joshua Cates, PhD, and Li Tao, PhD, both members of the Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Laboratory, have been selected as recipients of a Valentin T. Jordanov Radiation Instrumentation Travel Grant for 2017. The travel grant will allow them to travel to and participate in the 2017 IEEE NSS-MIC in Atlanta.
Congratulations, Joshua and Li!
Li Tao has been awarded the Stanford Graduate Fellowship in Science and Engineering (SGF)
Li Tao has been awarded the Stanford Graduate Fellowship in Science and Engineering (SGF), the most prestigious award the University offers to doctoral students. She was nominated for this award by the department of Electrical Engineering and the nomination was approved by the Graduate Fellowships Faculty Advisory Committee based on her demonstrated academic excellence and potential to succeed in doctoral research.
Congratulations Li!
Chen-Ming Chang was awarded the 2016 best oral presentation student award at the IEEE Medical Imaging Conference for his paper entitled, "Time-over-threshold for pulse shape discrimination in a time-of-flight Phoswich PET detector", presented on Thursday, November 3rd, 2016 in Strasbourg, France.
Congratulations Chen-Ming!
Jung-Yeol Yeom has been awarded the Deans Fellowship for the 2011-2012 academic year.
Congratulations, Jung-Yeol!
Matthew Bieniosek has been selected as a fellow in the training program "Training in Biomedical Imaging Instrumentation" for the 2011-2012 academic year.
Congratulations, Matthew!
Jing-yu Cui and Peter Olcott were finalists in the Student Poster Award competition at the 2011 IEEE NSS-MIC meeting.
Congratulations, Jing-yu and Peter!
Paul Reynolds meets former Secretary of State, George Schultz, at the ARCS Award Ceremony. (It turns out that Mr. Schultz sponsored Paul's ARCS Fellowship.)
Congratulations, Paul!
Key Jo Hong was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from the National Research Foundation of Korea.
Congratulations, Key Jo!
Virginia Spanoudaki and Eric Gonzalez each won a travel award to attend 2011 WMIC.
Congratulations, Virginia and Eric!
Virginia Spanoudaki won a "Best Imaging Processing Presentation" award from the 2011 World Molecular Imaging Congress (WMIC) awards committee for her excellent presentation entitled "Evaluation of the Benefits of Photon Depth of Interaction Compensation for Time of Flight PET".
Congratulations, Virginia!
Jing-yu Cui was awarded a Bio-X Graduate Fellowship.
Congratulations, Jing-yu!
Alex Grant has received Valentin T. Jordanov Radiation Instrumentation Travel Grant to attend the 2011 IEEE NSS-MIC-RTSD in Valencia, Spain.
Congratulations, Alex!
Arne Vandenbroucke, PhD, has received a Department of Defense CDMRP Breast Cancer Era of Hope Conference Distinguished Postdoctoral Poster Award.
Congratulations, Arne!
Jing-yu Cui was awarded a fellowship from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
Congratulations, Jing-yu!
The article, "Analog signal multiplexing for PSAPD-based PET detectors: simulation and experimental validation", published in Physics in Medicine and Biology (PMB), has been selected to be part of the journal's Highlights collection of 2010.
The journal's Highlights are a selection of papers that collectively represent the high quality and breadth of contributions that were published in the journal last year.
Congratulations, Frances!
[View the article]
[View the Highlights of 2010]
The recently published article in Physics and Medicine and Biology, "Analog signal multiplexing for PSAPD-based PET detectors: simulation and experimental validation", by Frances Lau, has been selected as a Featured Article by the editors of the Institute of Physics Journals. Featured Articles are chosen for their novelty, high level of interest and potential impact on future research.
Congratulations, Frances!
Jing-yu Cui received the Pan Wen-Yuan Foundation Scholarship. The Pan Wen-Yuan Foundation Scholarship is awarded every year to 2 students of Chinese ancestry with outstanding academic performance.
Congratulations, Jing-yu!
An AXA Research Fund Postdoctoral Fellowship has been renewed for Virginia Spanoudaki.
Congratulations, Virgina!
Alex Grant is a recipient of the prestigeous Bio-X Graduate Student Fellowship. The 3-year fellowship will fully support his research in developing novel in vivo imaging technologies.
Congratulations, Alex!
Frances Lau has received a pre-doctoral scholarship from the California Breast Cancer Research Program for her proposal "Electronics for High Resolution Breast-Dedicated PET".
Congratulations, Frances!
Guillem Pratx has received a Dean's Postdoctoral Fellowship at Stanford University School of Medicine to support his research on X-ray luminescence computed tomography, a new molecular imaging modality.
Congratulations, Guillem!
Arne Vandenbrouke has been awarded a 3 year post-doctoral fellowship from the Department of Defense (DOD) Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP) of the Office of the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP). The topic of Dr. Vandenbrouke's research is the commissioning and characterization of the world's first 1 mm^3 resolution clinical PET camera.
Congratulations, Arne!
Guillem Pratx has successfully defended his doctoral thesis. His thesis topics involved the development of advanced signal processing strategies for the next-generation of positron emission tomography (PET) systems.
Congratulations, Guillem!
Peter Olcott received Second Place from the Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference for his paper, "Cross-strip capacitive multiplexing and electro-optical coupling for silicon photomultiplier arrays for PET detectors".
Congratulations, Peter!
Yi Gu, Peter Olcott, Hao Peng, Virgina Spanoudaki, and Arne Vandenbrouke are all recipients of the 2009 Trainee Award to attend the 2009 Medical Imaging Conference in Orlando FL, October 25-31.
Congratulations, Yi, Peter, Hao, Virgina and Arne!
Congratulations to Peter Olcott who received the Bio-X Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellowship in Human Health. This award is one of the greatest honors Stanford gives to a doctoral student pursuing interdisciplinary research.
Congratulations, Peter!
The just-published Physics in Medicine and Biology paper "Bayesian reconstruction of photon interaction sequences for high-resolution PET detectors" by Guillem Pratx, has been selected as a Featured Article by the editors of the Institute of Physics Journals. Featured Articles are chosen for their novelty, high level of interest and potential impact on future research.
Congratulations, Guillem!
Virginia Spanoudaki has been awarded an AXA Research Fund postdoctoral fellowship for her ground-breaking work on new concepts to advance time-of-flight positron emission tomography.
Congratulations Virginia!