- 10/27/23: Dr. Lei Xing has been selected as a keynote speaker for the Second Annual Workshop on Imaging and Data Science. Congratulations!
- 9/15/23: Lab Member Dr. Tauhidul Islam has received the prestigious NIH K99 Award! Warmest congratulations Tauhidul, & we look forward to seeing great achievements from you in the years to come!
8/12/23: Trainees from our lab, T. Islam and L. Qiu, won the 1st and 2nd places of Poster Presentation Awards at the Annual Retreat of the Medical Physics Division, Congratulations!
7/24/23: Dr. Lei Xing receives the 2023 Edith H. Quimby Award for Lifetime Achievement in Medical Physics today at the 2023 Annual Meeting of AAPM. This honor recognizes AAPM members whose careers have been notable based on their outstanding achievements. Dr. Xing said that he is humbled and grateful for the honor! He would like to thank his mentors, institutional leadership, friends, colleagues, and trainees. He also wanted to express special thanks to Jake and Sarah for the Jacob Haimson & Sarah S. Donaldson Endowed Professorship and for their vision and belief in the power of medical physics!
7/18/23: Dr. Yizheng Chen et al’s work entitled “Adaptive Region-Specific Loss for Improved Medical Image Segmentation” is published in TPAMI, a premier AI journal. The novel approach sheds valuable insights into this longstanding problem and provides a better AI tool for image segmentation.
7/12/23: Lei Xing, PhD, receives ASTRO Fellowship! The ASTRO Fellow designation (FASTRO) is awarded based on ASTRO membership, service to ASTRO and contributions to the field of radiation oncology!
7/06/23: A novel approach for improving neural network dedign for image segmentation by Dr. Yizheng Chen et al has just published in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. Read it here.
4/03/23 - 4/07/23: Dr. Lei Xing hosts an intermediate course on Deep Learning for Medical Imaging and Genomic Data Processing: from Data Acquisition, Analysis, to Biomedical Applications during the DeepLearn 2023 Spring 9th International School of Deep Learning Research Training Event in Bari, Italy.
2/08/23: Check out our recent work on deep genomic data processing & learn how imaging physics can transform the genomics here. You can try your scRNA-seq data on our web-based software!
1/24/23: Dr. Lei Xing receives the 2023 Edith H. Quimby Award for Lifetime Achievement in Medical Physics from the AAPM (American Association of Physicists in Medicine). This honor recognizes AAPM members whose careers have been notable based on their outstanding achievements.
1/19/23: A proposal named Artificial Intelligence-Aided Decision Making for Individualized Cancer Immunotherapy with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors by Dr. Lei Xing and Dr. Art Owen, the Chair of the Department of Statistics at Stanford University, is selected for a Seed Grant by Stanford HAI.
Through The Years
8/03/22: Dr. Lei Xing and Dr. Christian Guthier of Harvard Medical School participated in a Webinar concerning the Clinical Applications of Articifical Intelligence in Radiation Oncology encompassing their experiences at their respective institutions.
6/15/22: Dr. Lei Xing was selected as a speaker for the 2022 Symposium on Practical AI in Radiation Oncology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.
4/28/22 - 04/29/22: Dr. Lei Xing led the 2022 AAPM FAI Specialty Meeting entitled Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence in Radiation Oncology and Medical Imaging along with fellow scholars Issam El Naqa, PhD of Moffit Cancer Center, Xuejun Gu, PhD of Stanford University, and Yi Wang, PhD of Massachusetts General Hospital.
2/14/21: Research by Jean-Emmanuel Bibault and Lei Xing on using deep learning to predict cancer prevalence from satellite images was highlighted by the popular newspaper Le Figaro in a beautifully-titled article, "When Man’s Health is Assessed from Space." Read it here (in French)!