December 2019
Congratulations to Won Hee Lee for her JACC paper receiving recognition of “Top 10 Cell Science News Stories of 2019” by Technologies Network
November 2019
Congratulations to Chengyi Tu for receiving a 2-year AHA postdoctoral fellowship grant (1/2020 – 12/2021)
Congratulations to Heyonyu Kim for receiving a 2-year AHA postdoctoral fellowship grant (1/2020 – 12/2021)
Congratulations to Lei Tian for receiving a 2-year AHA postdoctoral fellowship grant (1/2020 – 12/2021)
Congratulations to Alexa Wnorowski for being interviewed by BBC News about her research on sending heart stem cells to the International Space Station
Congratulations to Alexa Wnorowski and Arun Sharma for their paper on effects of spaceflight on human heart cells
Spaceflight alters human heart cells but they return to (mostly) normal on Earth
Human heart cells behave differently in space
Something Strange Happened to Human Heart Cells in Space
Spaceflight alters heart cells but they quickly recover back on Earth
Space travel affects heart cells, but only temporarily
Human Heart Cells Beat Differently in Microgravity, Which May Benefit Astronauts
Spaceflight Alters Genes of Human Stem Cell–Derived Heart Cells
The final frontier? Studying stem cells on the International Space Station
Congratulations to former undergraduate Ates Akgun for starting his MD/PhD studies at the Medical University of South Carolina
August 2019
As the cost of genetic testing is falling, incorporating genetic testing into primary care may make it possible to detect diseases early and possibly prevent them altogether. Joseph Wu, the Simon H. Stertzer, MD, Professor, professor of radiology and of medicine, and director of Stanford’s Cardiovascular Institute, is quoted in this article.
July 2019
Congratulations to Ning-Yi Shao for accepting a faculty position at University of Macau, China
Congratulations to Mingtao Zhao for accepting a faculty position in Ohio State University
Congratulations to Haodi Wu for his paper published in European Heart Journal on using iPSC-cardiomyocytes to model diastolic dysfunction
Congratulations to Jaecheol Lee, Vittavat Termglinchan, and Sebastian Diecke for their paper published in Nature on iPSC modeling of lamin cardiomyopathy
May 2019
Congratulations to Antje Ebert for her paper published in Circulation Research on understanding metabolism & maturation of iPSC-cardiomyocytes
Congratulations to master's student Michelle Bae for receiving a TRDRP (Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program) Student Research Supplement Award
- Is Juul bad for you? Doctors weigh in It’s so much more than a simple "yes" or "no."
- Modeling Cardiovascular Risks of E-Cigarettes With Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell–Derived Endothelial Cells
- Study finds e-cig flavors can damage cardiovascular cells
- E-cigarette use, flavorings may increase heart disease risk, study finds
- E-cigarette flavorings may lead to greater risk of heart diseases, study finds
- Flavored e-cigarettes could be bad for heart health, researchers say
- E-CIG DANGER Vaping ‘may increase risk of heart attack or stroke’ – and menthol flavours are the worst
- New Study: E-Cigarette Flavors May Be Harmful To Your Heart
- Stanford Researchers: E-Cigarette Flavors Can Damage Cardiovascular Cells
- Study suggests e-cigarette flavorings may pose heart risk
Circulation on the Run: listen to the podcast by Nazish Sayed and Joseph Wu on their recent study on Herceptin-induced cardiotoxicity
Congratulations to Nicole Lopez for being selected to receive a 2019 Student Scholarship in Cerebrovascular Disease and Stroke from the Scientific Councils of the American Heart Association.
April 2019
Congratulations to June Rhee for receiving a 3-year American Heart Association Career Development Award
Congratulations to Chun Liu for receiving a 3-year American Heart Association Career Development Award
Congratulations to CK Lam for receiving a 3-year American Heart Association Career Development Award
March 2019
Congratulations to Hongchao Guo who was selected as a new investigator award recipient for best abstract
ScienceDaily article: Nicotine may harm human embryos at the single-cell level
Scope article: Nicotine’s effect on the developing embryo studied in new model
February 2019
Learn the Latest in Heart Disease Research: A Conversation with Dr. Wu, Director of the Stanford Cardiovascular Institute
Congratulations to Dilip Thomas for receiving a 2-year TRDRP postdoctoral fellowship
January 2019
Congratulations to Edward Lau for receiving a NHLBI K99 award