
Adriana Bozzi, PhD
Assistant Professor, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz

Mark J.K. Chandy, MD, PhD, FRCPC
Asst Professor, Western University
Chandy Lab

Antje Ebert, PhD
Group Leader at University of Goettingen, Germany
Ebert Lab

Hongchao Guo, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Utah

Shijun Hu, PhD
Prof and Deputy Dir, Inst for CV Science, Soochow University Medical College

Ioannis Karakikes, PhD | Assoc Prof, Dept of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Stanford SoM
Karakikes Lab

Kazuki Kodo, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Pediatric Cardiology
Keio University, Japan

Feng Lan, PhD
Prof, Beijing Anzhen Hosp Beijing Inst of Heart Lung and Blood Vessel Disease

Won Hee Lee, PhD
Assistant Professor in Basic Med Sciences, University of Arizona
Lee Lab

Chun Liu, PhD
Assistant Professor, Dept of Physiology
Medical College of Wisconsin

Kazim Narsinh, MD
Assistant Professor in Residence, UCSF Neurointerventional Radiology

Sekyung Oh, PhD
Assoc Prof, Catholic Kwandong University College of Medicine
Incheon, South Korea

Karim Sallam, MD
Assistant Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine, Stanford School of Medicine

Ningyi Shao, PhD
Associate Professor
University of Macau, Macau SAR, China

Moshi Song, PhD
Professor, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Beijing, China

Li Wang, MD, PhD
Professor of Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Science

Cho-Kai Wu
Professor, Department of Cardiology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University

Joe Z. Zhang, PhD
PI, Inst of Metabolic and CV Research
Shenzhen Bay Lab
Zhang Lab

Paul Burridge, PhD
Associate Professor
Northwestern University
Burridge Lab

Jared Churko, PhD
Asst Prof in Cellular and Molecular Med, Univ of Arizona
Churko Lab

Zhumur Ghosh, PhD
Bose Institute, India
Ghosh Lab

Leng Han, PhD
David Brown Chair Prof in Genomic Medicine, Indiana Univ SoM | Han Lab

Kolsoum Inanloo, PhD
Assistant Professor
School of Biology
University of Tehran

Hyeon Yu Kim, PhD
Assistant Professor, Dept of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Northeastern Univ

Chi Keung Lam, PhD
Assistant Professor
University of Delaware
Lam Lab

Edward Lau, PhD
Assistant Professor
Dept of Medicine
University of Colorado
Lau Lab

Zongjin Li, MD, PhD
Professor & Dept Chair
Nankai University School of Medicine
Li Lab

Ning Ma, PhD
Principal Investigator
Guangzhou Laboratory
Guangzhou, China

Patricia Nguyen, MD
Assistant Professor of CV Medicine
Stanford University School of Medicine

Sang Ging Ong, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor
University of Illinois Chicago | Ong Lab

Nazish Sayed, MD, PhD | Assistant Prof, Dept of Surgery, Div  of Vascular Surgery
Stanford SoM

Amit Sharma, PhD
Group Leader
Sens Research Foundation

Ning Sun, MD, PhD
Professor & Vice Dean of Research, Jiangnan University

Yongming Wang, PhD
Fudan University
Wang Lab

Haodi Wu, PhD
Asst Prof of Medicine, Cardiology, Univ of Pittsburgh Dept of Medicine | Wu Lab

Tiejun Zhang
Director, Dept of Medical Genetics and Cell Biology, Guangzhou Med Univ

Feng Cao, MD, PhD
Prof, Assoc Dir, Chief Physician, Cardiology Dept, 301 PLA General Hosp, Beijing, China

Sebastian Diecke, PhD | Grp Leader,  Pluripotent Stem Cell Dept, Max Delbruck Ctr
Diecke Lab

Mingxia Gu, MD, PhD, FAHA | Asst Prof, Pediatrics, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Ctr | Gu Lab

Chunjiang He, PhD
Wuhan University

Ji Ju, MD, PhD
Prof, Rheumatology, Seoul St. Mary's Hospital, Catholic Univ of Korea | Ju Lab

Tomoya Kitani, MD, PhD | Asst Prof, Dept of CV Med, Kyoto Prefectural U of Med
Kitani Lab

Mai Lam, PhD
Associate Professor at Wayne State University
Lam Lab

Jaecheol Lee, PhD
Associate Professor, School of Pharmacy, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)

Ping Liang, MD, PhD 
Zhejiang University School of Medicine 
Liang Lab

Elena Matsa, PhD
University College Cork

Detlef Obal, MD, PhD, DESA | Asst Prof of Anesth, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Stanford | Obal Lab

June-Wha Rhee, MD
Assistant Prof, Dept of Med, Div of Cardiology, City of Hope
Rhee Lab

Timon Seeger, MD
Specialist (Cardiology, Angiology, Pulmonology)
Univ Heidelberg

Arun Sharma, PhD
Assistant Professor
Cedars-Sinai,  Biomedical Sciences  
Sharma Lab

Rutger-Jan Swijnenburg, MD, PhD
Medical Specialist, Amsterdam UMC

Thomas Tzu-Tang Wei, PhD | Assoc Prof, Dept of Pharmacology, National Taiwan University

Huaxiao Yang, PhD
Assistant Professor, Dept of Biomedical Engineering, Univ of North Texas, Denton

Mingtao Zhao, DVM, PhD | Associate Prof, Pediatrics, Ohio State Univ College of Med
Zhao Lab


Mirwais Wardak, PhD
Principal Scientist
Genentech, Inc.