Clark, C. E., Rasgon, N. L., Reed, D. E., Robakis, T. K. Depression precedes, but does not follow, gestational diabetes. ACTA PSYCHIATRICA SCANDINAVICA 2019:139(4):311–21. DOI 10.1111/acps.12998
Johansen, S. L., Robakis, T. K., Williams, K. E., Rasgon, N. L. Management of perinatal depression with non-drug interventions. BMJ (Clinical research ed.) 2019:364:l322. DOI 10.1136/bmj.l322
Nasca, C., Rasgon, N., Multidimensional predictors of susceptibility and resilience in social defeat stress. Biological Psychiatry. 2019. 86; 6:483-491.
Nasca, C., Watson-Lin, K., Bigio, B., Robakis, T. K., Myoraku, A., Wroolie, T. E., McEwen, B. S., Rasgon, N. Childhood trauma and insulin resistance in patients suffering from depressive disorders. Experimental Neurology 2019:315:15–20. DOI 10.1016/j.expneurol.2019.01.005
Robakis, T., Williams, K. E., Nutkiewicz, L., Rasgon, N. L. Hormonal Contraceptives and Mood: Review of the Literature and Implications for Future Research. Current psychiatry reports 2019:21(7):57. DOI 10.1007/s11920-019-1034-z
Robakis, T., Watson, K., Wroolie T., Myoraku, A., Nasca, C., Bigio, B., McEwen B., Rasgon, N. Early Life Adversity Blunts Responses to Pioglitazone In Depressed, Overweight Adults. European Psychiatry. 2019. 55:4-9.
Watson, K.T., Wroolie, T.E., Tong, G., Foland-Ross L.C., Frangou, S., Singh, M., McIntyre, R., Roat-Shumway, S., Myoraku, A., Reiss, A.L., Rasgon, N.L. Neural correlates of liraglutide effects in persons at risk for Alzheimer’s Disease. Behavioural Brain Research. 2019. 356:271-278.