COVID-19 Well-Being Study
The Stanford WELL for Life team is investigating the effect of COVID-19 and the Shelter-in-Place order on emotions, distress, and well-being. We are surveying existing Stanford WELL for Life participants (~1,200) with multiple surveys measuring distress, anxiety, concerns about COVID-19, experience with Shelter-in-Place, and multiple dimensions of well-being.
This project is a longitudinal study surveying participants at six time points over the next 12 months, which will enable the evaluation of the short- and long-term effects of COVID-19 quarantine and social distancing on emotions, social connectedness and physical health. The COVID-19 WELL Study was launched on March 23, 2020 and data collection will close on March 23, 2021.
Data Collected
Our surveys include: COVID-19 related questions, Shelter-in-Place related questions, anxiety, physical problems, distress, emotions, and Stanford WELL for Life Survey (76 questions to include 10 domains of well-being: social connectedness, lifestyle behaviors, stress and resilience, emotions and mental health, physical health, purpose and meaning in life, sense of self, financial security, spirituality and religiosity and exploration and creativity).
Recruitment to Date:
Time 0: 1250 recruited
Time 1 (Day 10): 1028 responded
Time 2 (Month 1): 1017 responded
TIme 3 (Month 3): 941 responded
Time 3 Follow-Up: 828
Time 4 (Month 6): 869
WELL Supplemental Survey (~Month 7): 714
To our participants, thank you so much for your time and perspectives to help the scientific and public health community understand the impact of COVID-19 and social distancing. As a community, we will find ways to learn and bring good out of this crisis and contribute to the promotion of well-being in our society.
This study is approved by the Institutional Review Board of Stanford University (Protocol #: 32814)
For more information on our study please visit:
Stanford COVID-19 Research Website
Stanford Department of Epidemiology Research Collaborative