Seed Grants

We are currently not accepting new Seed Grant Applications at this time. 

The Vera Moulton Wall Center is currently reviewing its grant program and hope to reopen to new grant submissions in the Spring of 2025. Please check this page for updates. Thank you.

The Vera Moulton Wall Center for Pulmonary Vascular Disease at Stanford University is pleased to announce seed grant funding to support ground breaking research in the field of pulmonary vascular disease.


  • To fund strategic research in pulmonary vascular disease campus wide
  • To foster new collaborations between research programs and departments
  • To promote innovative and ground breaking research in pulmonary hypertension

We particularly wish to encourage proposals that are multidisciplinary, foster new collaborative relationships between physicians and scientists, and have the potential to transform clinical care or the fundamental understanding of pulmonary hypertension. Proposals focusing on human genetic advances in pulmonary vascular disease are strongly encouraged.


Current Stanford post-doctoral or clinical fellows, or research associates are eligible to apply. The work proposed should be innovative and disease focused. Young investigator applicants must have an accompanying faculty sponsor and include a letter confirming laboratory support, time, and resources necessary to carry out the study. Funds up to $75,000 per project are available. Applicants should be able to complete proposed projects within the terms of their current appointment.


Stanford University faculty members (UTL, NTLR, MCL) are eligible. Instructors may apply as a PI with a letter of support from Division Chief or Department Chair. Funds in the amount of up to $100,000 per project are available.


Applications are accepted throughout the year and are reviewed on an individual basis. All grant applications will be reviewed and evaluated by members of the VMWC Steering Committee.


Proposals will be evaluated based on significance, innovation, approach, co-operation between programs, and potential for translation to practice. Part of the evaluation of the seed grants will be an assessment of the likelihood the pilot research project will attract new or additional extramural funding. Preference will be given to applicants that are currently not engaged in research involving pulmonary hypertension.



Submission Guidelines

Applications are accepted throughout the year and are reviewed on an individual basis. All grant applications will be reviewed and evaluated by members of the VMWC Steering Committee.


Proposals will be evaluated based on significance, innovation, approach, co-operation between programs, and potential for translation to practice. Part of the evaluation of the seed grants will be an assessment of the likelihood the pilot research project will attract new or additional extramural funding.  Preference will be given to applicants that are currently not engaged in research involving pulmonary hypertension. 


For questions or additional information please email us.


The Wall Center seeks to enhance the lives of patients with pulmonary vascular disease by providing the highest level of clinical care, providing advanced training opportunities for physicians and other health care providers, and participating in clinical and bench-top research in pulmonary vascular disease.