Graduate & Undergraduate Training
The Vera Moulton Wall Center welcomes trainees and students for all diciplines and at all levels. In addition to formal curriculum we offer independent research opportunities to interested trainees. Students at all levels with an interest in pulmonary vascular disease are also encouraged to participate in ongoing lectures and special seminars.
Resident/Housestaff Education
As of 2015, and in conjunction with educational leaders in the Departments of Medicine and Anesthesia, a formal two to four-week elective rotation in adult pulmonary hypertension is offered to all internal medicine and anesthesia residents as well as all cardiology, pulmonary/critical care and critical care fellows. Residents and fellows play an active role in both the inpatient and outpatient patient care setting as well as in the cardiac catheterization laboratory where they participate in right heart catheterizations under the supervision of Dr. Roham Zamanian.
Housestaff receive didactic lectures on subjects including “An Introduction to Pulmonary Hypertension” and “Pulmonary Hypertension in Critical Care” during the rotation as well as informal teaching from attendings sub-specializing in pulmonary hypertension-focused basic science, clinical research and clinical care. Residents and fellows are also encouraged to attend weekly Pulmonary Clinical and Grand Rounds Conferences as well as the Clinical Topics in Pulmonary Hypertension Grand Rounds Conference.
Housestaff meet with the course director, Dr. Kristina Kudelko, at the start of the rotation in order to discuss their personal objectives and at the end of the rotation in order to discuss their performance during the block and to directly provide feedback about the rotation.
Pediatric cardiology fellows receive targeted exposure to adult pulmonary vascular disease by participating in a two to four-week rotation on the adult congenital heart disease consult service under the supervision and guidance of Drs. Anitra Romfh, George Lui and Ian Rogers.
Medical Student Education
The VMWC faculty teaches in core medical school curriculum courses including Medical Scholars Research (BIOC 370/PEDS370), Molecular Foundations of Medicine (BIOC 205), Early Clinical Experience (PEDS 280), Early Clinical Experience in Immunology (IMMUNOL 280), and other courses through the Cardiovascular Institute (CVI).
VMWC Faculty also teach and lecture in the Bio-X Program, interacting with students in bioengineering and related disciplines. Clinical and research rotations are available for Stanford and visiting medical students. Please contact the Vera Moulton Wall Center for more information.
Undergraduate/Graduate Education
Wall Center faculty participate in graduate and undergraduate programs throughout the Stanford community and are committed to training future clinical, research and bioscience leaders. Their active participation provides opportunities for multi-disciplinary interactions and scientific collaborations. Students are also encouraged to contact the Vera Moulton Wall Center or individual labs for independent research oppotrunities.
A Closer Look
Jack Takahashi
Stanford Undergraduate
In 2013 high school senior Jack Takahashi was chose as one of 40 finalist in the prestigious Intel Science Talent Search (Intel STS) competition — the nation’s most prestigious science research award for high school seniors. Jack completed his project, "Breathe Deeply," in Dr. Vinicio de Jesus Perez's lab under his guidance. Currently, Jack is a Stanford undergraduate and continues to pursue his research under the mentorship of Dr. deJesus Perez.
Read More:
Inspired Medical Research: Teens make real advances in biomedical science
Jack Takahashi (center) continues to pursue his research under the mentorship of Dr. deJesus Perez (2nd from right) and other lab members.
About the Center
The Wall Center seeks to enhance the lives of patients with pulmonary vascular disease by providing the highest level of clinical care, providing advanced training opportunities for physicians and other health care providers, and participating in clinical and bench-top research in pulmonary vascular disease.
Contact Us
- Vera Moulton Wall Center for Pulmonary Vascular Disease
- Vera Moulton Wall Center for Pulmonary Vascular Disease
455 Broadway
Discovery Hall, 1st Fl
Redwood City, CA 94063
MC: 8858 - Phone: (800) 640-9255