
Animal Orders and Census Management


Updates to AnimalTrax

AnimalTrax was updated to version

  • Cage Card Report: The document source will now appear on the cage card report page, indicating whether the barcode belongs to a split/wean sheet or a specific order for improved transparency

  • Cage Cards: DOB will now appear on cage cards.


The VSC uses AnimalTrax to process many VSC requests, such as animal ordering, requesting housing transfers, census management using information imported from your APLAC protocol. Some of the key features are:

  • Submitting animal requisitions online
  • Online PTA management (add PTAs based on each protocol you have assigned)
  • Real-time tracking of the number of animals available for ordering
  • Monthly invoices sent to your financial contacts
  • Automated census and cage tracking via green RFID cards
  • Email notifications of animal deliveries


Access to AnimalTrax is linked directly with approved APLAC protocols and is only granted to researchers listed on an approved APLAC protocol. The two primary roles that can be assigned to researchers are as follows.

Personnel listed on approved and active APLAC protocols are automatically assigned the Investigator role. Approval authority is assigned to the higher tier of There are two categories of Investigator:

  • Top 4: Equivalent to the Top 4 on a protocol (Protocol Director, Co-Protocol Director, Admin Contact, Other Submitter). Investigators listed as the "Top 4" can create and submit requisitions, approve requisitions to be processed by the VSC, add/delete PTAs, and submit all other requests.
  • Other Personnel: Equivalent to the "Other Personnel" found on protocol details on eProtocol. Investigators that are listed as "Other Personnel" can create requisitions, but they must be approved by someone in the "Top 4" or "DFA role. PTA information cannot be added/removed by those listed under "Other Personnel". However, investigators can submit transfer and split/wean barcoded sticker requests without requiring approval.