How do I ask? | Engage & Intervene
How do I engage a patient initially on the topic: (adolescent patient alone)
• “I wanted to thank you for completing the health survey we gave you so honestly… I noticed you mentioned that you have used [blank]…
• "would it be ok if I ask you a couple of questions about that?”
• “would it be ok if I tell you a little bit of what I know about [blank].”
How do I begin intervening: (adolescent patient alone)
• Interview to set the stage for behavior change
• “What have been the good parts of using [blank] for you?”
• “and what have been the not-so-good parts of using [blank] for you?”
• Summarize and assess change readiness (adolescent patient alone)
• “It sounds like you aren’t worried about your [blank] use, but at the same time you don’t like it when… happens because of your use.”
• “It’s up to you when or if you decide to cut back or quit [blank].”
• “Is it OK with you if I share with you what I think would be best for your health?” “What do you think about that?”
• “Where do you want to go from here?”