Optimal transmit apodization for the maximization of lag-one coherence with applications to aberration delay estimation Ultrasonics R Ali, N Duric, JJ Dahl
Distributed aberration correction in handheld ultrasound based on tomographic estimates of the speed of sound Medical Imaging 2023: Ultrasonic Imaging and Tomography R Ali, T Mitcham, M Singh, R Bouchard, J Dahl, M Doyley, N Duric
Sound Speed Estimation for Distributed Aberration Correction in Laterally Varying Media IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging R Ali, TM Mitcham, M Singh, MM Doyley, RR Bouchard, JJ Dahl, N Duric
Distributed aberration correction techniques based on tomographic sound speed estimates IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control R Ali, T Brevett, D Hyun, LL Brickson, JJ Dahl
Cylindrical Transducer Array for Intravascular Shear Wave Elasticity Imaging: Preliminary Development IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control AV Telichko, JJ Dahl, CD Herickhoff
Real-Time In Vivo Imaging of Human Liver Vasculature Using Coherent Flow Power Doppler: A Pilot Clinical Study IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control YL Li, D Hyun, J Ducey-Wysling, I Durot, A D’Hondt, BN Patel, JJ Dahl
Superiorized photo-acoustic non-negative reconstruction (SPANNER) for clinical photoacoustic imaging IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging I Steinberg, J Kim, MK Schneider, D Hyun, A Zlitni, SM Hopper, T Klap
Reverberation noise suppression in ultrasound channel signals using a 3D fully convolutional neural network IEEE transactions on medical imaging LL Brickson, D Hyun, M Jakovljevic, JJ Dahl
Acoustic attenuation: Multifrequency measurement and relationship to CT and MR imaging IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control TD Webb, SA Leung, P Ghanouni, JJ Dahl, NJ Pelc, KB Pauly
Passive cavitation mapping by cavitation source localization from aperture-domain signals—Part II: Phantom and in vivo experiments IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control AV Telichko, T Lee, D Hyun, SM Chowdhury, S Bachawal, CD Herickhoff
Passive cavitation mapping by cavitation source localization from aperture-domain signals—Part I: Theory and validation through simulations IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control AV Telichko, T Lee, M Jakovljevic, JJ Dahl
Blood flow imaging in the neonatal brain using angular coherence power Doppler IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control M Jakovljevic, BC Yoon, L Abou-Elkacem, D Hyun, Y Li, E Rubesova, ...
Nondestructive detection of targeted microbubbles using dual-mode data and deep learning for real-time ultrasound molecular imaging IEEE transactions on medical imaging D Hyun, L Abou-Elkacem, R Bam, LL Brickson, CD Herickhoff, JJ Dahl
Extending retrospective encoding for robust recovery of the multistatic data set IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control R Ali, CD Herickhoff, D Hyun, JJ Dahl, N Bottenus
Cylindrical transducer for intravascular ARFI imaging: Design and feasibility IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control CD Herickhoff, AV Telichko, JJ Dahl
Improved Sensitivity in Ultrasound Molecular Imaging With Coherence-Based Beamforming IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING Hyun, D., Abou-Elkacem, L., Perez, V.A., Chowdhury, S.M., Willmann, J.K., Dahl, J.J. 2018; 37 (1): 241-250.
Effects of Phase Aberration and Phase Aberration Correction on the Minimum Variance Beamformer ULTRASONIC IMAGING Chau, G., Dahl, J.J., Lavarello, R. 2017; 40 (1): 15-34.
Low-cost Volumetric Ultrasound by Augmentation of 2D Systems: Design and Prototype ULTRASONIC IMAGING Herickhoff, C.D., Morgan, M.R., Broder, J.S., Dahl, J.J. 2017; 40 (1): 35-48.
Efficient strategies for estimating the spatial coherence of backscatter IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Hyun, D., Crowley, A.L., Dahl, J.J. 2017; 64 (3): 500–513
Angular Coherence in Ultrasound Imaging: Theory and Applications JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCITEY OF AMERICA Li, Y.L., Dahl, J.J. 2017; 141 (3): 1582-1594
Blocked Elements in 1-D and 2-D Arrays part I: Detection and Basic Compensation on Simulated and in vivo Targets IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Jakovljevic, M., Pinton, G.F., Dahl, J.J., Trahey, G.E. 2017; 64 (6): 910-921
Blocked Elements in 1-D and 2-D Arrays part II: Compensation Methods as Applied to Large Coherent Apertures IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Jakovljevic, M., Bottenus, N., Kuo, L., Kumar, S., Dahl, J.J., Trahey, G.E. 2017; 64 (6): 922-936
Visualization of Small-Diameter Vessels by Reduction of Incoherent Reverberation With Coherent Flow Power Doppler IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Li, Y.L., Hyun, D., Abou-Elkacem, L., Willmann, J.K., Dahl, J.J. 2016; 63 (11): 1878-1889.
Comparison of Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging Derived Carotid Plaque Stiffness with Spatially Registered MRI Determined Composition IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING Doherty, J.R., Dahl, J.J., Kranz, P.G., El Husseini, N., Chang, H.C., Chen, N.K., Allen, J.D., Ham, K.L., Trahey, G.E. 2015; 34 (11): 2354-2365
Resolution and Brightness Characteristics of Short-lag Spatial Coherence (SLSC) Images IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Bell, M.A., Dahl, J.J., Trahey, G.E. 2015; 62(7): 1265-1276.
Coherent Flow Power Doppler (CFPD): Flow Detection Using Spatial Coherence Beamforming IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Li, Y.L., Dahl, J.J. 2015; 62(6): 1022-1035
In Vivo Application of Short-Lag Spatial Coherence and Harmonic Spatial Coherence Imaging in Fetal Ultrasound ULTRASONIC IMAGING Kakkad, V., Dahl, J., Ellestad, S., Trahey, G. 2015; 37 (2): 101-116
Spatial Coherence in Human Tissue: Implications for Imaging and Measurement IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Pinton, G. F., Trahey, G. E., Dahl, J. J. 2014; 61 (12): 1976-1987
Short-Lag Spatial Coherence Imaging on Matrix Arrays, Part II: Phantom and In Vivo Experiments IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Jakovljevic, M., Byram, B. C., Hyun, D., Dahl, J. J., Trahey, G. E. 2014; 61 (7): 1113-1122
Short-Lag Spatial Coherence Imaging on Matrix Arrays, Part I: Beamforming Methods and Simulation Studies IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Hyun, D., Trahey, G. E., Jakovljevic, M., Dahl, J. J. 2014; 61 (7): 1101-1112
Estimation of shear wave speed in the human uterine cervix ULTRASOUND IN OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY Carlson, L. C., Feltovich, H., Palmeri, M. L., Dahl, J. J., Munoz Del Rio, A., Hall, T. J. 2014; 43 (4): 452-458
Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging (ARFI) on an IVUS Circular Array ULTRASONIC IMAGING Patel, V., Dahl, J. J., Bradway, D. P., Doherty, J. R., Lee, S. Y., Smith, S. W. 2014; 36 (2): 98-111
Reverberation Clutter from Subcutaneous Tissue Layers: Simulation and In Vivo Demonstrations ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY Dahl, J. J., Sheth, N. M. 2014; 40 (4): 714-726
Harmonic Tracking of Acoustic Radiation Force-Induced Displacements IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Doherty, J. R., Dahl, J. J., Trahey, G. E. 2013; 60 (11): 2347-2358
Short-Lag Spatial Coherence Imaging of Cardiac Ultrasound Data: Initial Clinical Results ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY Bell, M. A., Goswami, R., Kisslo, J. A., Dahl, J. J., Trahey, G. E. 2013; 39 (10): 1861-1874
Synthetic Aperture Focusing for Short-Lag Spatial Coherence Imaging IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Bottenus, N., Byram, B. C., Dahl, J. J., Trahey, G. E. 2013; 60 (9): 1816-1826
In Vivo Application of Short-Lag Spatial Coherence Imaging in Human LIver ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY Jakovljevic, M., Trahey, G. E., Nelson, R. C., Dahl, J. J. 2013; 39 (3): 534-542
Intracranial Dual-mode IVUS & Hyperthermia Using Circular Arrays: Preliminary Experiments ULTRASONIC IMAGING Patel, V., Light, E. D., Herickhoff, C. D., Grant, G. A., Britz, G. W., Wilson, C. M., Palmeri, M. L., Smith, S. W. 2013; 35 (1): 17-29
Harmonic Spatial Coherence Imaging: An Ultrasonic Imaging Method Based on Backscatter Coherence IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Dahl, J. J., Jakovljevic, M., Pinton, G. F., Trahey, G. E. 2012; 59 (4): 648-659
Dual-mode IVUS Transducer for Image-Guided Brain Therapy: Preliminary Experiments ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY Herickhoff, C. D., Wilson, C. M., Grant, G. A., Britz, G. W., Light, E. D., Palmeri, M. L., Wolf, P. D., Smith, S. W. 2011; 37 (10): 1667-1676
Sources of Image Degradation in Fundamental and Harmonic Ultrasound Imaging: A Nonlinear, Full-Wave, Simulation Study (vol 58, pg 754, 2011) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Pinton, G. F., Trahey, G. E., Dahl, J. J. 2011; 58 (6): 1272-1283
The development and potential of acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) imaging for carotid artery plaque characterization VASCULAR MEDICINE Allen, J. D., Ham, K. L., Dumont, D. M., Sileshi, B., Trahey, G. E., Dahl, J. J. 2011; 16 (4): 302-311
Lesion Detectability in Diagnostic Ultrasound with Short-Lag Spatial Coherence Imaging ULTRASONIC IMAGING Dahl, J. J., Hyun, D., Lediju, M., Trahey, G. E. 2011; 33 (2): 119-133
Dual-mode IVUS Catheter for Image-Guided Intracranial Hyperthermia: Feasibility Study IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Herickhoff, C.D., Grant, G. A., Britz, G. W., Smith, S.W. 2010; 57(11): 2572-2584
Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging for Noninvasive Characterization of Carotid ARtery Atherosclerotic Plaques: A Feasibility Study ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY Dahl, J. J., Dumont, D. M., Allen, J. D., Miller, E. M., Trahey, G. E. 2009; 35 (5): 707-716
A Motion-Based Approach to Abdominal Clutter Reduction IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Lediju, M. A., Pihl, M. J., Hsu, S. J., Dahl, J. J., Gallippi, C. M., Trahey, G. E. 2009; 56 (11): 2437-2449
Comparison of 3-D Multi-Lag Cross-Correlation and Speckle Brightness Aberration Correction Algorithms on Static and Moving Targets IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Ivancevich, N. A., Dahl, J. J., Smith, S. W. 2009; 56 (10): 2157-2166
On the Feasibility of Imaging Peripheral Nerves Using Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging ULTRASONIC IMAGING Palmeri, M. L., Dahl, J. J., Macleod, D. B., Grant, S. A., Nightingale, K. R. 2009; 31 (3): 172-182
Dual-mode Intracranial Catheter Integrating 3D Ultrasound Imaging and Hyperthermia for Neuro-oncology: Feasibility Study ULTRASONIC IMAGING Herickhoff, C. D., Light, E. D., Bing, K. F., Mukundan, S., Grant, G. A., Wolf, P. D., Smith, S. W. 2009; 31 (2): 81-100
Lower-Limb Vascular Imaging with Acoustic Radiation Force Elastography: Demonstration of In Vivo Feasibility IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Dumont, D., Dahl, J., Miller, E., Allen, J., Fahey, B., Trahey, G. 2009; 56 (5): 931-944
A Heterogeneous Nonlinear Attenuating Full-Wave Model of Ultrasound IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Pinton, G. F., Dahl, J., Rosenzweig, S., Trahey, G. E. 2009; 56 (3): 474-488
Image Quality, Tissue Heating, and Frame Rate Trade-offs in Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Bouchard, R. R., Dahl, J. J., Hsu, S. J., Palmeri, M. L., Trahey, G. E. 2009; 56 (1): 63-76
Quantitative Assessment of the Magnitude, Impact and Spatial Extent of Ultrasonic Clutter ULTRASONIC IMAGING Lediju, M. A., Pihl, M. J., Dahl, J. J., Trahey, G. E. 2008; 30 (3): 151-168
The next wave Enterprise Imaging & Therapeutic Radiology Management Dahl, J. 2008; 18 (7): 53-54
Direction of arrival filters for improved aberration estimation ULTRASONIC IMAGING Dahl, J. J., Feehan, T. J. 2008; 30 (1): 1-20
A parallel tracking method for acoustic radiation force impulse imaging IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Dahl, J. J., Pinton, G. F., Palmeri, M. L., Agrawal, V., Nightingale, K. R., Trahey, G. E. 2007; 54 (2): 301-312
An ultrasound research interface for a clinical system (vol 53, pg 1759, 2006) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Brunke, S. S., Insana, M. F., Dahl, J. J., Hansen, C., Ashfaq, M., Ermert, H. 2007; 54 (1): 198-210
Adaptive imaging on a diagnostic ultrasound scanner at quasi real-time rates IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Dahl, J. J., McAleavey, S. A., Pinton, G. F., Soo, M. S., Trahey, G. E. 2006; 53 (10): 1832-1843
Phase-aberration correction with a 3-D ultrasound scanner: Feasibility study IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Ivancevich, N. M., Dahl, J. J., Trahey, G. E., Smith, S. W. 2006; 53 (8): 1432-1439
Rapid tracking of small displacements with ultrasound IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Pinton, G. F., Dahl, J. J., Trahey, G. E. 2006; 53 (6): 1103-1117
Spatial and temporal aberrator stability for real-time adaptive imaging IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Dahl, J. J., Soo, M. S., Trahey, G. E. 2005; 52 (9): 1504-1517
Adaptive imaging and spatial compounding in the presence of aberration IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Dahl, J. J., Guenther, D. A., Trahey, G. E. 2005; 52 (7): 1131-1144
Ultrasonic beamforming and image formation Categorical Course in Diagnostic Radiology Physics: Multidimensional Image Processing, Analysis, and Display Dahl, J. 2005: 63-71
Clinical evaluation of combined spatial compounding and adaptive imaging in breast tissue ULTRASONIC IMAGING Dahl, J. J., Soo, M. S., Trahey, G. E. 2004; 26 (4): 203-216
Synthetic elevation beamforming and image acquisition capabilities using an 8 x 128 1.75D array IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Fernandez, A. T., Gammelmark, K. L., Dahl, J. J., Keen, C. G., Gauss, R. C., Trahey, G. E. 2003; 50 (1): 40-57