Bibliography of Twin Research at Stanford and SRI International
- Bao R, Hesser LA, He Z, Zhou X, Nadeau KC*, Nagler CR*. Fecal microbiome and metabolome differ in healthy and food-allergic twins. J Clin Invest. 2021 Jan 19;131(2). (co-senior authors)
- Yan Z, Maecker HT, Brodin P, Nygaard UC, Lyu SC, Davis MM, Nadeau KC, Andorf S. Aging and CMV discordance are associated with increased immune diversity between monozygotic twins. Immun Ageing. 2021 Jan 18;18(1):5.
- Dhondalay GKR, Bunning B, Bauer RN, Barnathan ES, Maniscalco C, Baribaud F, Nadeau KC, Andorf S. Transcriptomic and methylomic features in asthmatic and nonasthmatic twins. Allergy. 2020 Apr;75(4):989-992
- Bunning BJ, Contrepois K, Lee-McMullen B, Dhondalay GKR, Zhang W, Tupa D, Raeber O, Desai M, Nadeau KC, Snyder MP, Andorf S. Global metabolic profiling to model biological processes of aging in twins. Aging Cell. 2020 Jan;19(1):e13073.
- Kivistö JE, Clarke A, Dery A, De Schryver S, Shand G, Huhtala H, Mäkelä MJ, Asai Y, Nadeau K, Harada L, Chan ES, Ben-Shoshan M. Genetic and environmental susceptibility to food allergy in a registry of twins. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2019 Nov - Dec;7(8):2916-2918.
- De Schryver S, Dery A, Clarke AE, Nadeau KC, Harada L, Greenwood C, Weatherall K, Daley D, Asai Y, Bamforth F, Ben-Shoshan M. START: Susceptibility to Food Allergies in a Registry of Twins. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2016 Feb;137(2):AB152
- Alexander ES, Martin LJ, Collins MH, Kottyan LC, Sucharew H, He H, Mukkada VA, Succop PA, Abonia JP, Foote H, Eby MD, Grotjan TM, Greenler AJ, Dellon ES, Demain JG, Furuta GT, Gurian LE, Harley JB, Hopp RJ, Kagalwalla A, Kaul A, Nadeau KC, Noel RJ, Putnam PE, von Tiehl KF, Rothenberg ME. Twin and family studies reveal strong environmental and weaker genetic cues explaining heritability of eosinophilic esophagitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014 Sep 1. *Participated in enrolling patients in the study and acquisition of data.
- Runyon RS, Cachola LM, Rajeshuni N, Hunter T, Garcia M, Ahn R, Lurmann F, Krasnow R, Jack LM, Miller RL, Swan GE, Kohli A, Jacobson AC, and Nadeau KC. Asthma discordance in twins is linked to epigenetic modifications of T cells. PLoS One. 2012;7(11): p. 487-496.
- Individual heritable differences result in unique cell lymphocyte receptor repertoires of naive and antigen-experienced cells. Rubelt F, Bolen CR, McGuire HM, Vander Heiden JA, Gadala-Maria D, Levin M, Euskirchen GM, Mamedov MR, Swan GE, Dekker CL, Cowell LG, Kleinstein SH, Davis MM. (2016) Nat Commun. 7:11112.
- Defective T Memory Cell Differentiation after Varicella Zoster Vaccination in Older Individuals. Qi Q, Cavanagh MM, Le Saux S, Wagar LE, Mackey S, Hu J, Maecker H, Swan GE, Davis MM, Dekker CL, Tian L, Weyand CM, Goronzy JJ. (2016) PLoS Pathog. 12:e1005892.PMCID: PMC5072604.
- Diversification of the antigen-specific T cell receptor repertoire after varicella zoster vaccination. Qi Q, Cavanagh MM, Le Saux S, NamKoong H, Kim C, Turgano E, Liu Y, Wang C, Mackey S, Swan GE, Dekker CL, Olshen RA, Boyd SD, Weyand CM, Tian L, Goronzy JJ. (2016) Sci Transl Med. 8:332ra346.PMCID: PMC4878824.
- Increased Proinflammatory Responses of Monocytes and Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells to Influenza A Virus Infection During Pregnancy. Le Gars M, Kay AW, Bayless NL, Aziz N, Dekker CL, Swan GE, Davis MM, Blish CA. (2016) J Infect Dis. 214:1666-1671.
- Genetic and environmental influences on height from infancy to early adulthood: An individual-based pooled analysis of 45 twin cohorts. Jelenkovic A, Sund R, Hur YM, Yokoyama Y, Hjelmborg JV, Moller S, Honda C, Magnusson PK, Pedersen NL, Ooki S, Aaltonen S, Stazi MA, Fagnani C, D'Ippolito C, Freitas DL, Maia JA, Ji F, Ning F, Pang Z, Rebato E, Busjahn A, Kandler C, Saudino KJ, Jang KL, Cozen W, Hwang AE, Mack TM, Gao W, Yu C, Li L, Corley RP, Huibregtse BM, Derom CA, Vlietinck RF, Loos RJ, Heikkila K, Wardle J, Llewellyn CH, Fisher A, McAdams TA, Eley TC, Gregory AM, He M, Ding X, Bjerregaard-Andersen M, Beck-Nielsen H, Sodemann M, Tarnoki AD, Tarnoki DL, Knafo-Noam A, Mankuta D, Abramson L, Burt SA, Klump KL, Silberg JL, Eaves LJ, Maes HH, Krueger RF, McGue M, Pahlen S, Gatz M, Butler DA, Bartels M, van Beijsterveldt TC, Craig JM, Saffery R, Dubois L, Boivin M, Brendgen M, Dionne G, Vitaro F, Martin NG, Medland SE, Montgomery GW, Swan GE, Krasnow R, Tynelius P, Lichtenstein P, Haworth CM, Plomin R, Bayasgalan G, Narandalai D, Harden KP, Tucker-Drob EM, Spector T, Mangino M, Lachance G, Baker LA, Tuvblad C, Duncan GE, Buchwald D, Willemsen G, Skytthe A, Kyvik KO, Christensen K, Oncel SY, Aliev F, Rasmussen F, Goldberg JH, Sorensen TI, Boomsma DI, Kaprio J, Silventoinen K. (2016): Genetic and environmental influences on height from infancy to early adulthood: An individual-based pooled analysis of 45 twin cohorts. Sci Rep. 6:28496.PMCID: PMC4917845.
- Lineage tracing of human B cells reveals the in vivo landscape of human antibody class switching. Horns F, Vollmers C, Croote D, Mackey SF, Swan GE, Dekker CL, Davis MM, Quake SR. (2016). Elife. 5.PMCID: PMC4970870.
- B-cell repertoire responses to varicella-zoster vaccination in human identical twins. Wang C, Liu Y, Cavanagh MM, Le Saux S, Qi Q, Roskin KM, Looney TJ, Lee JY, Dixit V, Dekker CL, Swan GE, Goronzy JJ, Boyd SD. (2015): Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 112:500-505.PMCID: PMC4299233.
- The CODATwins Project: The Cohort Description of Collaborative Project of Development of Anthropometrical Measures in Twins to Study Macro-Environmental Variation in Genetic and Environmental Effects on Anthropometric Traits
Silventoinen K, Jelenkovic A, Sund R, Honda C, Aaltonen S, Yokoyama Y, Tarnoki AD, Tarnoki DL, Ning F, Ji F, Pang Z, Ordonana JR, Sanchez-Romera JF, Colodro-Conde L, Burt SA, Klump KL, Medland SE, Montgomery GW, Kandler C, McAdams TA, Eley TC, Gregory AM, Saudino KJ, Dubois L, Boivin M, Haworth CM, Plomin R, Oncel SY, Aliev F, Stazi MA, Fagnani C, D'Ippolito C, Craig JM, Saffery R, Siribaddana SH, Hotopf M, Sumathipala A, Spector T, Mangino M, Lachance G, Gatz M, Butler DA, Bayasgalan G, Narandalai D, Freitas DL, Maia JA, Harden KP, Tucker-Drob EM, Christensen K, Skytthe A, Kyvik KO, Hong C, Chong Y, Derom CA, Vlietinck RF, Loos RJ, Cozen W, Hwang AE, Mack TM, He M, Ding X, Chang B, Silberg JL, Eaves LJ, Maes HH, Cutler TL, Hopper JL, Aujard K, Magnusson PK, Pedersen NL, Aslan AK, Song YM, Yang S, Lee K, Baker LA, Tuvblad C, Bjerregaard-Andersen M, Beck-Nielsen H, Sodemann M, Heikkila K, Tan Q, Zhang D, Swan GE, Krasnow R, Jang KL, Knafo-Noam A, Mankuta D, Abramson L, Lichtenstein P, Krueger RF, McGue M, Pahlen S, Tynelius P, Duncan GE, Buchwald D, Corley RP, Huibregtse BM, Nelson TL, Whitfield KE, Franz CE, Kremen WS, Lyons MJ, Ooki S, Brandt I, Nilsen TS, Inui F, Watanabe M, Bartels M, van Beijsterveldt TC, Wardle J, Llewellyn CH, Fisher A, Rebato E, Martin NG, Iwatani Y, Hayakawa K, Rasmussen F, Sung J, Harris JR, Willemsen G, Busjahn A, Goldberg JH, Boomsma DI, Hur YM, Sorensen TI, Kaprio J. (2015)Twin Res Hum Genet. 18:348-360.PMCID: PMC4696543. - Pregnancy Does Not Attenuate the Antibody or Plasmablast Response to Inactivated Influenza Vaccine. Kay AW, Bayless NL, Fukuyama J, Aziz N, Dekker CL, Mackey S, Swan GE, Davis MM, Blish CA. (2015) J Infect Dis.
- Zygosity Differences in Height and Body Mass Index of Twins From Infancy to Old Age: A Study of the CODATwins Project. Jelenkovic A, Yokoyama Y, Sund R, Honda C, Bogl LH, Aaltonen S, Ji F, Ning F, Pang Z, Ordonana JR, Sanchez-Romera JF, Colodro-Conde L, Burt SA, Klump KL, Medland SE, Montgomery GW, Kandler C, McAdams TA, Eley TC, Gregory AM, Saudino KJ, Dubois L, Boivin M, Tarnoki AD, Tarnoki DL, Haworth CM, Plomin R, Oncel SY, Aliev F, Stazi MA, Fagnani C, D'Ippolito C, Craig JM, Saffery R, Siribaddana SH, Hotopf M, Sumathipala A, Rijsdijk F, Spector T, Mangino M, Lachance G, Gatz M, Butler DA, Bayasgalan G, Narandalai D, Freitas DL, Maia JA, Harden KP, Tucker-Drob EM, Kim B, Chong Y, Hong C, Shin HJ, Christensen K, Skytthe A, Kyvik KO, Derom CA, Vlietinck RF, Loos RJ, Cozen W, Hwang AE, Mack TM, He M, Ding X, Chang B, Silberg JL, Eaves LJ, Maes HH, Cutler TL, Hopper JL, Aujard K, Magnusson PK, Pedersen NL, Aslan AK, Song YM, Yang S, Lee K, Baker LA, Tuvblad C, Bjerregaard-Andersen M, Beck-Nielsen H, Sodemann M, Heikkila K, Tan Q, Zhang D, Swan GE, Krasnow R, Jang KL, Knafo-Noam A, Mankuta D, Abramson L, Lichtenstein P, Krueger RF, McGue M, Pahlen S, Tynelius P, Duncan GE, Buchwald D, Corley RP, Huibregtse BM, Nelson TL, Whitfield KE, Franz CE, Kremen WS, Lyons MJ, Ooki S, Brandt I, Nilsen TS, Inui F, Watanabe M, Bartels M, van Beijsterveldt TC, Wardle J, Llewellyn CH, Fisher A, Rebato E, Martin NG, Iwatani Y, Hayakawa K, Sung J, Harris JR, Willemsen G, Busjahn A, Goldberg JH, Rasmussen F, Hur YM, Boomsma DI, Sorensen TI, Kaprio J, Silventoinen K. (2015).Twin Res Hum Genet. 18:557-570.PMCID: PMC4605819.
- Variation in the human immune system is largely driven by non-heritable influences.
Brodin P, Jojic V, Gao T, Bhattacharya S, Angel CJ, Furman D, Shen-Orr S, Dekker CL, Swan GE, Butte AJ, Maecker HT, Davis MM. (2015) Cell. 160:37-47.PMCID: PMC4302727. - Enhanced natural killer-cell and T-cell responses to influenza A virus during pregnancy.
Kay AW, Fukuyama J, Aziz N, Dekker CL, Mackey S, Swan GE, Davis MM, Holmes S, Blish CA. (2014) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111:14506-14511.PMCID: 4210016. - Maternal nutrition at conception modulates DNA methylation of human metastable epialleles.
Dominguez-Salas P, Moore SE, Baker MS, Bergen AW, Cox SE, Dyer RA, Fulford AJ, Guan Y, Laritsky E, Silver MJ, Swan GE, Zeisel SH, Innis SM, Waterland RA, Prentice AM, Hennig BJ. (2014).Nat Commun. 5:3746. - The Twin Research Registry at SRI International.
Krasnow RE, Jack LM, Lessov-Schlaggar CN, Bergen AW, Swan GE. (2013).Twin Res Hum Genet. 16:463-470. - Genetic and environmental determinants of human NK cell diversity revealed by mass cytometry.
Horowitz A, Strauss-Albee DM, Leipold M, Kubo J, Nemat-Gorgani N, Dogan OC, Dekker CL, Mackey S, Maecker H, Swan GE, Davis MM, Norman PJ, Guethlein LA, Desai M, Parham P, Blish CA. (2013). Sci Transl Med. 5:208ra145.PMCID: 3918221. - Nature versus nurture in gout: a twin study.Krishnan E, Lessov-Schlaggar CN, Krasnow RE, Swan GE. (2012). Am J Med. 125:499-504.
- Pain sensitivity and opioid analgesia: a pharmacogenomic twin study. Angst MS, Phillips NG, Drover DR, Tingle M, Ray A, Swan GE, Lazzeroni LC, Clark JD. (2012).PMCID: 3377769.
- Aversive and reinforcing opioid effects: a pharmacogenomic twin study
Angst MS, Lazzeroni LC, Phillips NG, Drover DR, Tingle M, Ray A, Swan GE, Clark JD. (2012). 117:22-37.PMCID: 3428265. - Opioid pharmacogenomics using a twin study paradigm: methods and procedures for determining familial aggregation and heritability
Angst MS, Phillips NG, Drover DR, Tingle M, Galinkin JL, Christians U, Swan GE, Lazzeroni LC, Clark JD. (2010). Twin Res Hum Genet. 13:412-425. - Genetic and environmental influences on the ratio of 3'hydroxycotinine to cotinine in plasma and urine.
Swan GE, Lessov-Schlaggar CN, Bergen AW, He Y, Tyndale RF, Benowitz NL. (2009) Pharmacogenet Genomics. 19:388-398.PMCID: 2849278. - Tobacco addiction and pharmacogenetics of nicotine metabolism.
Swan GE, Lessov-Schlaggar CN. (2009). J Neurogenet. 23:262-271. - Genetic influences on individual differences in nicotine glucuronidation.
Lessov-Schlaggar CN, Benowitz NL, Jacob P, Swan GE. (2009). Twin Res Hum Genet. 12:507-513.PMCID: 3202423. - Genome-wide linkage of cotinine pharmacokinetics suggests candidate regions on chromosomes 9 and 11.
He Y, Bergen AW, Hops H, Andrews JA, Tildesley E, Lessov-Schlaggar CN, Webster C, Benowitz N, Swan GE. (2009). Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 150B:554-559.PMCID: 2693302. - Mitochondrial DNA content: its genetic heritability and association with renal cell carcinoma.
Xing J, Chen M, Wood CG, Lin J, Spitz MR, Ma J, Amos CI, Shields PG, Benowitz NL, Gu J, de Andrade M, Swan GE, Wu X. (2008): J Natl Cancer Inst. 100:1104-1112.PMCID: 2720693. - Identification of novel CYP2A6*1B variants: the CYP2A6*1B allele is associated with faster in vivo nicotine metabolism. Mwenifumbo JC, Lessov-Schlaggar CN, Zhou Q, Krasnow RE, Swan GE, Benowitz NL, Tyndale RF. (2008).Clin Pharmacol Ther. 83:115-121.PMCID: 2921956.
- Genetic influences in the variation in renal clearance of nicotine and cotinine.
Benowitz NL, Lessov-Schlaggar CN, Swan GE. (2008). Clin Pharmacol Ther. 84:243-247. - Genetic and environmental sources of variation in heart rate response to infused nicotine in twins
Swan GE, Lessov-Schlaggar CN, Krasnow RE, Wilhelmsen KC, Jacob P, 3rd, Benowitz NL. (2007). Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 16:1057-1064. - Gene-gene interactions between CYP2B6 and CYP2A6 in nicotine metabolism.
Ring HZ, Valdes AM, Nishita DM, Prasad S, Jacob P, 3rd, Tyndale RF, Swan GE, Benowitz NL. (2007). Pharmacogenet Genomics. 17:1007-1015. - Mutagen sensitivity and genetic variants in nucleotide excision repair pathway: genotype-phenotype correlation.
Lin J, Swan GE, Shields PG, Benowitz NL, Gu J, Amos CI, de Andrade M, Spitz MR, Wu X. (2007). Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 16:2065-2071. - Mutagen sensitivity has high heritability: evidence from a twin study.
Wu X, Spitz MR, Amos CI, Lin J, Shao L, Gu J, de Andrade M, Benowitz NL, Shields PG, Swan GE. (2006). Cancer Res. 66:5993-5996. - Heritability of cigarette smoking and alcohol use in Chinese male twins: the Qingdao twin registry.
Lessov-Schlaggar CN, Pang Z, Swan GE, Guo Q, Wang S, Cao W, Unger JB, Johnson CA, Lee L. (2006). the Qingdao twin registry. Int J Epidemiol. 35:1278-1285. - CYP2A6 genotype and the metabolism and disposition kinetics of nicotine.
Benowitz NL, Swan GE, Jacob P, 3rd, Lessov-Schlaggar CN, Tyndale RF. (2006). lin Pharmacol Ther. 80:457-467. - Female sex and oral contraceptive use accelerate nicotine metabolism.
Benowitz NL, Lessov-Schlaggar CN, Swan GE, Jacob P, 3rd. (2006).Clin Pharmacol Ther. 79:480-488. - Characterization of the novel CYP2A6*21 allele using in vivo nicotine kinetics.
Al Koudsi N, Mwenifumbo JC, Sellers EM, Benowitz NL, Swan GE, Tyndale RF. (2006). Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 62:481-484. - Nicotine metabolism: the impact of CYP2A6 on estimates of additive genetic influence.
Swan GE, Benowitz NL, Lessov CN, Jacob P, 3rd, Tyndale RF, Wilhelmsen K. (2005). Pharmacogenet Genomics. 15:115-125. - Pharmacogenetics of nicotine metabolism in twins: methods and procedures.
Swan GE, Benowitz NL, Jacob P, 3rd, Lessov CN, Tyndale RF, Wilhelmsen K, Krasnow RE, McElroy MR, Moore SE, Wambach M. (2004). Twin Res. 7:435-448.