Innovation Funding
* Innovation funds are not available in FY22
The Stanford School of Medicine Tuition Revenue Sharing program promotes innovations in teaching and mentoring by funding extraordinary expenses for new, unusual, or reimagined courses or other endeavors. The program is pleased to announce that we will be awarding grants to fund courses or curricula that propose new teaching and mentoring ideas, innovations and interventions throughout the Stanford School of Medicine. Proposals will be reviewed for their significance, expertise to carry out the proposed work, innovation, and approach (e.g., plan, methods for design, implementation, dissemination, and evaluation) for innovations targeted toward PhD/basic science trainees only during FY2019-20. Selection will be a competitive process.
The Innovation Fund is separate from the Teaching and Mentoring (TMA) Innovation Academy Fund.
Online application deadline: April 30, 2019
Stanford faculty, medical fellows, residents, postdoctoral scholars, medical students, graduate students
Amount of funding
Requests for funding of up to $25,000 will be considered with an allowable ratio of up to 1/2 for compensation and the remainder for non-compensation expenses. All funding must be spent by August 31, 2020.
Grant Types
- Teaching and Mentoring Innovation Grant: examples are curricular innovations, mentoring innovations, development of new courses, improvements to an existing course. This must include an evaluation of the project.
- Extraordinary Expense Grant: examples are courses that require unusual supplies, effort, or services that cannot be covered with the tuition sharing formula.
Application Guidelines
Applications will be submitted via the online Qualtrics form. Applications are accepted any time before April 30, 2019, 5 p.m. PST. The online application will follow the application and budget guidelines outlined below. For clinical trainees interested in teaching or leading a proposed basic science innovation, a letter of support is required from his/her advisor or Scholarly Concentration director. For basic science trainees, the letter of support must be from his/her faculty mentor. Awardees will be notified by email by May 30, 2019.