Tuition Revenue Sharing

The model was developed under recommendations from a faculty and staff task force to increase the support and rewards for teaching as well as improve the program’s transparency, simplicity, timeliness, and relationship of funding to costs.

The Tuition Revenue Sharing program applies to teaching of Graduate, Medical, and Undergraduate students performed by Course Directors and Instructors (as identified in the Course Submission form) who are faculty of the School of Medicine, with the exception of:

  • Physician Assistant program courses (these have a different funds flow methodology)
  • Sophomore and Freshman seminars (paid directly to faculty by the University)
  • International Visiting Students doing MD clinical rotations (Tuition split based on agreement with clinical departments)

"Tuition Revenue Sharing Model" replaces the "TECU Model" in FY17 and addresses the cost of teaching by distributing tuition income to departments.