Med221 Course
MED 221: Translational Research and Applied Medicine
Open to undergraduate, graduate students and medical students, this course enables students to learn basic principles in the design, performance and analysis of translational medical research studies. The course includes both didactic seminars from experts in translational medicine as well as the opportunity to design and present a translational research project. Students enrolling for 3 units are paired with a TRAM translational research project and work as a team with TRAM trainees and faculty on a weekly basis, as arranged by the instructor, and present a final project update at the end of the quarter.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr | Units: 2-3 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)
MED221 LECTURES 2019/2020 (Wednesdays 3-4pm)
Fall quarter: LKS 130 / Winter: Alway M106 / Spring LKS130
Fall Quarter Recording Capture:
2-Oct Translational Medicine Introduction:
Dean Felsher Biomarker discovery and pre-clinical research
Vinicio de Jesus Perez Molecular Mechanisms of Pulmonary Hypertension
30-Oct Molecular Basis of Neurodegeneration in Aging:
Tony Wyss-Coray Young Blood for Old Brains
Hanlee Ji
4-Dec Pharmacogenomics:
Russ Altman from basic knowledge to clinical implementation"
Dean Felsher Disease Oriented Translation
Everett Meyer Graft versus Host Disease: Advances in Clinical Research
12-Feb Translating discoveries into therapeutics
Kevin Grimes for unmet clinical needs
26-Feb Antibody mediated immune responses
Peter Kim
11-Mar Translating molecular virology into novel antiviral strategies
Jeffrey Glenn
8-Apr Human translational and clinical study design
Dean Felsher
22-Apr Translational Psychiatry
Manpreet Singh
6-MayApplied Medicine: from theory to research to policy
Bonnie Halpern-Felsher
20-May E tba
3-Jun Molecular basis of disease and the development of diagnostics
Michael Snyder and therapeutics
10-Jun-20 TRAM Retreat TRAM Annual Research Symposium
Berg Hall - LKSC June 10, 2020 (1-5pm)
MED221 LECTURES 2018/2019 (Wednesdays 3-4pm)
October 3: RAVI MAJETI (Hematology)
Development of an Anti-CD47 Cancer Therapeutic Antibody
October 31: EVERETT MEYER (Hematology: BMT):
Graft versus Host Disease: Advances in Clinical Research
Nov 14: JONATHAN MALTZMAN (Nephrology)
Immunosuppression in Kidney Allograft Recipients
Nov 28: MIKE SNYDER (Genetics)
Molecular basis of disease and the development of diagnostics and therapeutics.
Dec 12: UPI SINGH (Infectious Diseases)
Molecular basis of pathogenesis of a medically important parasite, Entamoeba histolytica.
January 16: CHRISTINA CURTIS (Oncology and Genetics)
Genotype-phenotype associations in cancer
January 30: VINICIO DE JESUS PEREZ (Pulmonary and Critical Care)
Molecular Mechanisms of Pulmonary Hypertension
February 6: RUTH O’HARA (Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences)
Public Mental Health and Population Sciences
February 20: LARRY STEINMAN (Neurology)
Pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases, multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating diseases
March 13: SHARON PITTERI (Radiology)
Molecular indicators of risk, diagnosis, progression, and recurrence of cancer
April 3: ANDREW GENTLES (Biomedical Informatics)
Computational systems biology of human disease
April 17: MANPREET SINGH (Psychiatry)
Developmental psychopathology, pathophysiology, and treatment of pediatric mood disorders
May 1: BONNIE HALPERN-FELSHER (Pediatrics: Adolescent Medicine)
Applied Medicine: from Theory to Research to Policy
May 15: DEAN FELSHER (Oncology)
Oncology meets Immunology: how cancer therapies work and how to predict when they will work
May 29: BOB HARRINGTON (Population Health, Cardiovascular Medicine)
25+ Years of Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) – a Paradigm for Collaborative Research and Training the Next Generation
2017-2018 LECTURE SCHEDULE FOR MED221 (and MED121)
MED 221 | 2-3 units |
LKSC 120
(FALL’17) Translational Research: Basic Research Discovery and disease mechanism:
October 4: Dean Felsher: “Oncology meets Immunology: How cancer therapies work and how to predict when they will work”
October 18: Catherine Blish
November 1: Edgar Engleman “Advances in Cancer Immunotherapy”
November 3: Marc Tessier-Lavigne “Personal Perspectives Talk” (2pm - CLARK Auditorium)
November 15: tba
November 29: Calvin Kuo
(WINTER’18) Translational Research: clinical applications – diagnostics and therapeutics
January 10: Kevin Grimes: “Translating Discoveries into Therapeutics for Unmet Clinical Needs”
January 24: project updates
February 7: Shirit Einav: “Targeting Host Cell Kinases as a Broad-Spectrum Antiviral Strategy: From Bench to Bedside”
February 21: Peter Jackson: “Biomarker Discovery: proteomic and mass spectrometry approaches”
March 7: Tom Soh “Molecular Diagnostics: real-time monitoring of biomolecules in live animals”
(SPRING’18) Applied Medicine: population medicine practice, outcomes and regulation
April 4: Maria-Grazia Roncarolo: "Stem Cell Gene Therapy for Genetic Diseases: from Bench to Bedside"
April 18: Joseph Wu: “Stem Cells and Genomics for Precision Medicine”
May 2: Mark Kay: tba
May 16: Ami Bhatt: “Translating Metagenomics: the Microbiome in Medicine”
May 30: Bonnie Halpern-Felsher: “Applied Medicine: from Theory to Research to Policy”
2016-2017 MED221 (and MED121)
MED 221 | 2-3 units |
(FALL’16) Translational Research: Basic Research Discovery and disease mechanism:
Location for lectures: LKS101 (unless otherwise noted)
Location for Project Updates: Beckman B100
Video recordings:
9/28 TRAM Opening Reception - New Projects presentations (LOCATION AND TIME CHANGE: Lane Building 151; 2-4pm)
10/5 Continuing projects presentations
10/12 Lecture – Sam Gambhir (Emerging Strategies for Imaging the Immune System In Patients)
10/19 project update
10/26 Lecture – Peter Jackson (Biomarker Discovery: proteomic and mass spectrometry approaches)
11/2 Project update + Technology resources spotlight: Prof. Holden Maecker - HIMC
11/9 Lecture – Everett Meyer (Graft vs. Host Disease: Advances in Translational Research)
11/23 Project Update + Technology resources spotlight: Dr. Allis Chien - SUMS
11/30 Lecture – Julien Sage
12/7 Project Update
12/14 Lecture – Joe Wu
(WINTER’17) Translational Research: clinical applications – diagnostics and therapeutics
Location for lectures: LKS120 (unless otherwise noted)
Location for Project Updates: Beckman B100
video recordings:
1/11 Lecture – Dean Felsher (Oncology meets Immunology:How cancer therapies work and how to predict when they will work)
1/18 Project Update (TIME CHANGE: 3:30-5:30 pm!!!!)
1/25 Lecture – Ed Engelman (Advances in Cancer Immunotherapy)
2/1 Project Update + Technology resources spotlight: Dr. Chuck Hitzman - Stanford Nano Shared Facility
2/8 Lecture – Kevin Grimes (Translating Discoveries into Therapeutics for Unmet Clinical Needs)
2/15 Project Update + Technology resources spotlight: Dr. Michael Eckart - PAN
2/22 Lecture - Tom Soh (Molecular Diagnostics: real-time monitoring of biomolecules in live animals)
3/1 Project Update + Technology resources spotlight: Dr. David Solow-Cordero - HTBC
3/8 Lecture - Richard Zare (Mass Spectrometry in the Service of Human Health)
3/15 Project Update Technology resources spotlight: Dr. Tim Doyle - SCi3
3/22 Lecture - Jonathan Fox (AG10: Targeting transthyretin amyloidosis at its source) (LOCATION CHANGE: LKS101/102)
(SPRING’17) Applied Medicine: population medicine practice, outcomes and regulation
3-5pm (lectures), and 2:30-4:30pm (project updates)
Video capture link:
4/5 No Lecture: SPRING BREAK (Enjoy being outside :)
4/12 Project Update (Location: Lane 151; time: 2:30-4:30pm)
4/14 Personal Perspectives in Career and Research: BEVERLY MITCHELL (2-3pm, Clark Auditorium)
4/19 Lecture – Ami Bhatt (Improving Cancer Outcomes in Impoverished Settings)
4/26 Project Update (Location: Lane 151; time: 2:30-4:30pm)
4/28 Personal Perspectives in Career and Research: LUCY SHAPIRO (3-4 pm, Clark Auditorium)
5/3 Lecture – Manjula Tamura (Clinical Outcomes: Translating Research into Practice)
5/10 Project Update (Location: Lane 151; time: 2:30-4:30pm) Technology resources spotlight: Dr. Lisa Nichols - FACS
5/17 Lecture – Nigam Shah (Translational Bioinformatics)
5/24 Project Update (Location: Lane 151; time: 2:30-4:30pm)
5/31 Lecture – Bonnie Halpern-Felsher (Applied Medicine: from Theory to Research to Policy)
2016-2017 MED221 (and MED121)
MED 221 | 2-3 units |
(FALL’16) Translational Research: Basic Research Discovery and disease mechanism:
Location for lectures: LKS101 (unless otherwise noted)
Location for Project Updates: Beckman B100
Video recordings:
9/28 TRAM Opening Reception - New Projects presentations (LOCATION AND TIME CHANGE: Lane Building 151; 2-4pm)
10/5 Continuing projects presentations
10/12 Lecture – Sam Gambhir (Emerging Strategies for Imaging the Immune System In Patients)
10/19 project update
10/26 Lecture – Peter Jackson (Biomarker Discovery: proteomic and mass spectrometry approaches)
11/2 Project update + Technology resources spotlight: Prof. Holden Maecker - HIMC
11/9 Lecture – Everett Meyer (Graft vs. Host Disease: Advances in Translational Research)
11/23 Project Update + Technology resources spotlight: Dr. Allis Chien - SUMS
11/30 Lecture – Julien Sage
12/7 Project Update
12/14 Lecture – Joe Wu
(WINTER’17) Translational Research: clinical applications – diagnostics and therapeutics
Location for lectures: LKS120 (unless otherwise noted)
Location for Project Updates: Beckman B100
video recordings:
1/11 Lecture – Dean Felsher (Oncology meets Immunology:How cancer therapies work and how to predict when they will work)
1/18 Project Update (TIME CHANGE: 3:30-5:30 pm!!!!)
1/25 Lecture – Ed Engelman (Advances in Cancer Immunotherapy)
2/1 Project Update + Technology resources spotlight: Dr. Chuck Hitzman - Stanford Nano Shared Facility
2/8 Lecture – Kevin Grimes (Translating Discoveries into Therapeutics for Unmet Clinical Needs)
2/15 Project Update + Technology resources spotlight: Dr. Michael Eckart - PAN
2/22 Lecture - Tom Soh (Molecular Diagnostics: real-time monitoring of biomolecules in live animals)
3/1 Project Update + Technology resources spotlight: Dr. David Solow-Cordero - HTBC
3/8 Lecture - Richard Zare (Mass Spectrometry in the Service of Human Health)
3/15 Project Update Technology resources spotlight: Dr. Tim Doyle - SCi3
3/22 Lecture - Jonathan Fox (AG10: Targeting transthyretin amyloidosis at its source) (LOCATION CHANGE: LKS101/102)
(SPRING’17) Applied Medicine: population medicine practice, outcomes and regulation
3-5pm (lectures), and 2:30-4:30pm (project updates)
4/5 No Lecture: SPRING BREAK (Enjoy being outside :)
4/12 Project Update (Location: Lane 151; time: 2:30-4:30pm)
4/14 Personal Perspectives in Career and Research: BEVERLY MITCHELL (2-3pm, Clark Auditorium)
4/19 Lecture – Ami Bhatt (Improving Cancer Outcomes in Impoverished Settings)
4/26 Project Update (Location: Lane 151; time: 2:30-4:30pm)
4/28 Personal Perspectives in Career and Research: LUCY SHAPIRO (3-4 pm, Clark Auditorium)
5/3 Lecture – Manjula Tamura (Clinical Outcomes: Translating Research into Practice)
5/10 Project Update (Location: Lane 151; time: 2:30-4:30pm) Technology resources spotlight: Dr. Lisa Nichols - FACS
5/17 Lecture – Nigam Shah (Translational Bioinformatics)
5/24 Project Update (Location: Lane 151; time: 2:30-4:30pm)
5/31 Lecture – Bonnie Halpern-Felsher (Applied Medicine: from Theory to Research to Policy)
2015-2016 MED221 ARCHIVE
MED 221 | 2-3 units |
09/21/2015 - 12/04/2015 - at Alway Building, Room M112 (1:30p-3:20p)
Date | Time | Location | Lecture | Extras |
9/24/2015 | 1:30-3:30 pm | Alway M112 | New Project Overviews | Opening Reception |
10/1/2015 | 3:30-5:00 pm | LK130 | Dean Felsher (Biomarker Discovery: oncology advances) | Technology overview: CyTOF (Holden Maecker: HIMC) |
10/8/2015 | 1:30-3:00 pm | LK101/102 | Mark Davis (Biomarker Discovery: immunology advances) | Technology overview: Gene Expression Profiling (Michael Eckart: PAN) |
10/15/2015 | 1:30-3:00 pm | LK101/102 | Peter Jackson (Biomarker Discovery: mass spec advances) | Technology overview: Mass Spectrometry (Allis Chien: SUMS) |
10/22/2015 | 1:30-3:00 pm | LK120 | Everett Meyer (Clinical Research: Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Graft Versus Host disease) | Project Updates |
10/29/2015 | 1:30-3:00 pm | LK120 | Ken Mahaffey (Clinical Research: cardiology clinical event detection) | Project Updates |
11/5/2015 | 2:00-3:30 pm | LK101/102 | Kevin Grimes (Pre-Clinical Research: Translating Discoveries into Practice) | Project Updates |
11/12/2015 | 1:30-3:00 pm | Alway M112 | Project Updates | |
11/19/2015 | 1:30-3:00 pm | Alway M112 | Project Updates | |
12/3/2015 | 1:30-3:00 pm | LK120 | Project Updates | |
12/10/2015 | 1:30-3:00 pm | Alway M112 | Project Updates |
To view MED221 lecture recordings please go to the Video Archive