You & Me, Together Vape-Free Hawaiʻi Version (1 lesson)
In collaboration with the Hawai'i Community Foundation, this curriculum was developed to reach local and Native Hawaiian students in Hawai'i but is also generally applicable to Pacific Islander students.
As part of the Stanford Tobacco Prevention Toolkit, this Hawai'i Version of You and Me, Together Vape-Free curriculum is a 1-lesson theory-based and evidence-informed curriculum created by the Stanford REACH Lab as well as by our Youth Action Board, educators, healthcare providers, and scientists across the U.S. To access the 3-lesson version of this curriculum, click below.
Click above to view the talking points for this lesson. Use the talking points alongside the Canva slides!
We suggest you end with a Kahoot, which can be found and easily linked to in the last slide of this OR using the link above.