Below is a breakdown of every available kahoot/quiz on this website. Kahoots are online quizzes that are interactive and easy to use. We have plenty to choose from when teaching about the harms of using tobacco/nicotine.
How to Pick a Kahoot/Quiz
The assumption here is that you are somewhat familiar with the Tobacco Prevention Toolkit or with using Kahoots in a classroom setting.
If not, we recommend checking our Curriculum at a Glance page or using our Curriculum Decision Maker tab at the top of this page to decide what part of the Toolkit curriculum will best for you to use.
Also, the accordion below titled "Kahoot Instructions for First-Time Users" will walk you through every step for setting up a Kahoot with students.
Here are your steps for picking the right Kahoot/Quis for you and your students:
1. Decide which topic you want to quiz students on, search by tobacco/nicotine topic.
2. Once you've selected your Kahoot of interest, familiarize yourself with the questions and answers using the PDF version.
3. If internet connection is not accessible in your teaching setting, download the paper version of the quiz. Be sure to hand out the "Quiz" version to students and not the "Answer Key" version.
3. When you are ready to do the Kahoot with your class, use the URL provided to project the quiz or hand out the paper version.