Discussion Guides
Below is a breakdown of every available discussion guide on this website. These discussion guides are essential conversations that young people can have with a trusted adult in their life.
How to Use These Discussion Guides
The assumption here is that you are somewhat familiar with the Tobacco Prevention Toolkit or with teaching tobacco prevention to young people.
If not, we recommend checking our Curriculum at a Glance page or using our Curriculum Decision Maker tab at the top of this page to decide what part of the Toolkit curriculum will best for you to use.
Here are your steps for picking the right discussion guide for you:
1. Think of the discussion guide as a series of questions that can spark a conversation between a young person and an adult they trust in their life. There is no right or wrong answer to these questions just opportunities to listen and connect.
2. Browse through discussion guides by tobacco/nicotine topic to see which one is a good fit.
3. Download and provide the discussion guide to students, for them to complete with a trusted adult in their life.