Vaping Prevention Online Lessons

Free lessons for teaching students remotely about the harms of vaping


Teach Module 1: A Real Intro to E-Cigarettes


1. (5 min) Check-Ins

2. (15 min) Teach 1st Course Module

3. (10 min) Breakout Rooms for Students to Discuss Review & Reflect Questions

4. (10 min) Small Groups Report Out to Class

5. (10 min) Wrap Up Module and Do Quiz as a Class


Teach Module 2: All of the Chemicals


1. (5 min) Check-Ins

2. (15 min) Teach 2nd Course Module

3. (10 min) Breakout Rooms for Students to Discuss Review & Reflect Questions

4. (10 min) Small Groups Report Out to Class

5. (10 min) Wrap Up Module and Do Quiz as a Class


Teach Module 3: What's the Damage


1. (5 min) Check-Ins

2. (15 min) Teach 3rd Course Module

3. (10 min) Breakout Rooms for Students to Discuss Review & Reflect Questions

4. (10 min) Small Groups Report Out to Class

5. (10 min) Wrap Up Module and Do Quiz as a Class


Teach Module 4: Central Problem of E-Cig Usage


1. (5 min) Check-Ins

2. (15 min) Teach 4th Course Module

3. (10 min) Breakout Rooms for Students to Discuss Review & Reflect Questions

4. (10 min) Small Groups Report Out to Class

5. (10 min) Wrap Up Module and Do Quiz as a Class


Teach Module 5: What Are They Selling


1. (5 min) Check-Ins

2. (15 min) Teach 5th Course Module

3. (10 min) Breakout Rooms for Students to Discuss Review & Reflect Questions

4. (10 min) Small Groups Report Out to Class

5. (10 min) Wrap Up Module & Assign or Do Final Knowledge Check


Alternative Module: Cannabis Curriculum


1. (5 min) Check-Ins

2. (15 min) Present Cannabis RLC Slides

3. (10 min) Breakout Rooms for Students to Discuss/Work on Worksheet

4. (10 min) Small Groups Report Out to Class

5. (10 min) Present More Slides or Answer Student Questions


Provide students with an opportunity to learn about the following in a remote-learning environment:

1. the health risks of using e-cigarettes/vapes, including Juul and Puff Bar

2. the increased risk of severe COVID-19 infection for those using e-cigarettes/vapes

3. the marketing tactics used by nicotine companies to target young people, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic




There are five learning modules in this course, which can be split up into 5 days of teaching.

Each of the learning modules contain “mini lessons” which include activities, videos, and other interactive features.

When teaching, there are opportunities for students to discuss the Review & Reflect Worksheet questions and for the class to answer quiz questions at the end of each learning module.

Follow these steps for implementing the Vaping Prevention Course:

1. Review the overview of teaching the course in the Daily Lesson Plan above and decide if you plan on teaching more than one session.

2. View the Vaping Prevention Course and become comfortable with its technology. Download the Course Navigation Guide if necessary. 

3. At the start of instruction, give students with their Review & Reflect Worksheet. The Worksheet will be used for small group discussions during breakout rooms. You can use either the Google Doc or Word Doc version; both contain the same questions.

4. When ready to teach, follow the times and instructions in the Daily Lesson Plan above. 

5. When finished teaching the course, you can do a Final Knowledge Check by making a copy of the Google Form version for students to do on their own or by playing this Kahoot as a class. Both the Google Form and Kahoot version contain the same questions.

6. As always, feel free to make any modifications that feel the most appropriate for you and your students.

Other Ways to Assign or Teach From the Course

Below are options for deciding how you want to teach or assign the course.