Activity: What Do You Know/Want to Know About Pod E-Cigs/Vapes?
Educators should download the lesson plan and activity materials which contains speakers' notes.
1. This activity will allow students to discuss information they have specifically heard or learned about pod e-cigarettes/vapes (e.g., JUUL, Puff bar, and other similar products) and list any questions they have about them.
2. This will give the educator a sense of what students already know and would like to know, and students will be able to track what they learn as the class moves through activities that focus on the harms of using this specific type of e-cigarette/vape.
Preview of Brainstorming Worksheet
Ways to Describe This Activity
Use the students' questions about pod e-cigs/vapes as a roadmap for teaching about these products.
Let students see what they know and don't know about pod e-cigarettes/vapes.
A quick and impactful activity that sparks student thinking and conversation.
Branching Out
Whether you have more teaching time or want to dive into similar topics to form a lesson, here are just a few options of other Toolkit curriculum items that you can use with this activity.
Some students questions may be answered with these factsheets below on e-cigarettes/vapes.