Cell Line Services
Cell line genome editing using crispr technology
We provide genome editing services for mouse and human embryonic stem cells, ips cells, and cell lines, please contact TKTC.
Mouse ES Cell line derivation
We provide service of mouse ES cell line derivation from a special genomic mouse line.
It starts from three 2.5 day pregnant female mice, will repeat maximum three times if the mouse line is a difficult one. We provide at least one ES cell clone for one mouse line with normal karyotype, and sex information.
Cell line Karyotyping
We provide chromosome counting karyotype service. Please provide us cells in a frozen vial (1x 106) or 80% confluent live cell in one well of 6 well plate. We report chromosome numbers of 20-25 cells.
Other cell line services
- Mouse ES cell/ips cell expansion, from one frozen vial to expand to 20 vials.
- Human ES cell/ips cell expansion from one frozen vial to expand to 10 vials.
- MEF cell. MEF (Mouse Embryonic Fibroblast) cells are used to support embryonic stem cell growth. We provide gamma ray irradiated P3 MEF cell at 6 x 106 per vial. We also provide P0 DR4 MEF that can passage to P3. Please contact us about availability.
- Mycoplasma test by PCR. We need 1 x 105 cells with culture medium.
Note: We’ll provide two ES cell clones that characterized by morphology and standard surface makers.
Service |
Description |
Fee |
Mouse and Human ES cells expansion | Mouse ES cell/ips cell expansion, from one frozen vial to expand to 20 vials | Mouse: $503.1/vial Human: $1119.9/vial |
Gamma-irradiated or Non-irradiated MEF cell |
Gamma-irradiated mouse embryonic fibroblasts, MEF, support mouse and human ES/ips cell growth. Mycoplasma free. |
Irradiated: $70.30/vial, Non-irradiated:$612.5/vial 6x10^6 cell/vial. |
Mouse ES cell or cell line karyotype (chromosome counting) |
Count 20 cells’ chromosome. |
$397/clone |
Mycoplasma testing |
1x10^4 cells in pellet fresh or frozen. |
$106/up to 3 samples |
Mouse ES cells rederivation | Re-derive a ES cell line from mouse blastocysts, including ESC karyotype and sex determination. | $6409.6/line |