People: Scientific Profiles
Principal Investigator
Hua Tang, PhD
Hua received her PhD in Statistics, with a minor in Genetics, from Stanford University in 2002. From 2002 to 2006, she was on faculty in the PHS division at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Hua joined the Stanford Genetics Department in 2007. The goals of her research are to better understand the evolutionary forces that have shaped the pattern of genetic variation in humans, as well as to elucidate the genetic architecture of complex traits and diseases in the context of human evolution.
Post-doctoral Fellows
Huaying Fang, PhD
Huaying received his PhD in Statistics from Peking University in 2016, studying the influence of microbiota interactions on human health. In our lab, Huaying is excited to develop statistical and computation models for elucidating the genetic architecture of complex traits. In particular, he is leading projects that aim to better serve minority populations by integrating multi-modal data and trans-ethnic evidence. Huaying's long term goal is to delineat the biological network that underlies quantitative traits and complex diseases.
Postdoctoral Fellows & Research Associates
Sandra Beleza Lecturer, Department of Genetics, University of Leicester, UK
Yoonha Choi Sr. Statistical Scientist at Genentech, South San Francisco, CA
Sophie Candille Self-employeed
Hong Gao Bioinformatics Scientist at Illumina, Santa Clara, CA
Emily Rains Chief Data Analytics Officer @ TapGenes
Meng Wang
Graduate Students
Nick Johnson (joint with Dr. Wing Wong), Statistician at Google, Mountain View, CA
Xuesong Yu (joint with Dr. Li Hsu), Senior statistician at Philips, Seattle, WA.
Friends of the Lab
Christopher Kaelin Senior scientist in Gregory Barsh's lab, in residence in the Tang Lab