Viktoriya Samarina, Ph.D.
Director of Neuropsychology Program
Viktoriya Samarina, Ph.D. is a licensed Clinical Neuropsychologist and national co-director of the VA Advanced Fellowship Program in Mental Illness Research and Treatment (MIRT). She completed her doctoral degree at Palo Alto University, internship at the Cincinnati VA Medical Center, and postdoctoral fellowship at Barrow Neurological Institute. She has extensive clinical experience working with an adult and older adult population in outpatient neuropsychology clinics, as well as within memory disorder programs. Dr. Samarina conducts clinical interviews and feedback sessions with participants who are referred to the center. She also provides didactic sessions to geriatric psychiatry fellows, residents, clinical research coordinators, and psychometricians. Her research and teaching interests include examining the neuropsychology of aging, dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases.