Course Work

The surgery application area will involve a total of 6 units of scholarly work. Students will complete 4 units of coursework from a list of required courses and will complete 2 units of coursework from a list of elective classes and seminars.


●       SURG 205 Technical Training and Preparation for the Surgical Environment (1 unit) Autumn/Winter/Spring

This course is designed for preclinical students in the College of Medicine who are interested in acquiring the technical skills and clinical orientation to establish a foundational knowledge of the surgical learning environment. Students will begin with scrub training to learn sterile technique prior to participation in the operating room followed by basic surgical techniques, including, but not limited to knot tying, suturing, hand-sewn bowel anastomoses, and laparoscopic skills. This is meant to enhance their operating room experiences as clerkship students and beyond, as the course will expose students to life as a surgeon. The class requires one mandatory operative shadowing experience with an attending surgeon outside of normal class hours. Opportunities for one-on-one surgical faculty mentorship will be provided.

●       SURG 238 Practical Introduction to Surgical Research (2 unit) Winter

This course is part of a 2-course Surgery Scholarly Concentration sequence designed to accelerate students’ readiness to conduct independent health services research. We will provide pearls for every key research step, from idea generation to efficient manuscript writing. Topics ranging from data analysis pitfalls to writing effective cover letters will elevate students’ academic productivity potential regardless of prior research background. Students will leave every lecture with practical skills to apply.

●       SURG 239 Practical Introduction to Surgical Management (1 unit) Spring

This is the second part of a 2-course Surgery Scholarly Concentration sequence. We will provide pearls detailing how to effectively and efficiently write clinical notes pertaining to the perioperative management of surgical patients. Topics will include fundamentals of preoperative management, intraoperative reports, and postoperative care. Students will participate in operating room (OR) experiences and learn practical patient management skills.



Procedural Based Electives

●       OPHT 205 Ophthalmology Microsurgical Curriculum for Medical Students (1 Unit)

●       NSUR 210 Operative Neuroanatomy using Virtual Reality and Cadaver Lab (1 Unit)

●       OBGYN 222 Obstetrics and Gynecologic Skills Simulation (1-2 Units)

●       SURG 256a Clinical Anatomy and Surgical Education Series – Limbs (1 Unit) Fall quarter

●       SURG 256b Clinical Anatomy and Surgical Education Series – Torso  (1 Unit) Winter quarter

●       SURG 256c Clinical Anatomy and Surgical Education Series – Head and Neck (1 Unit) Spring Quarter

Seminar Based Electives

●       NSUR 200 Narratives in Neurosurgery (1 Unit)

●       OPHT 201 Clinical Topics in Ophthalmology (1 Unit)

●       ORTHO 205: Introduction to Orthopedic Surgery (1 Unit)

●       OTOHNS 200 Introduction to Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (1 Unit)

●       SURG 204 Introduction to Surgery (1 unit)

●       SURG 234 Service though surgery

●       SURG 236 Seminar in Global Surgery and Anesthesia (1 Unit)

●       SURG 245: Introduction to Vascular Surgery

●       UROL 200SI Introduction to Urology (1 Unit)