
dynamicLM (penLM)

dynamicLM is an R package for dynamic risk prediction in survival data. It enables continuous updates to a patient's risk profile based on changing conditions and treatments. The package has advanced features for data preparation, predictive modeling, and model evaluation. It can handle high-dimensional data analysis with penalization. The methodology showed high predictive accuracy in lung cancer mortality studies by integrating diverse risk factors from multiple data sources.


Second Primary Lung Cancer Risk Assessment Tool (SPLC-RAT) is a web-based risk prediction tool for second primary lung cancer (SPLC) among patients with initial primary lung cancer (IPLC) who ever smoked before lung cancer diagnosis. By simply entering patients’ demographic data, tumor characteristics, and smoking history, the estimates for 5-year and 10-year risks of developing SPLC after initial diagnosis of lung cancer can be provided.


Brain metastasis is common in lung cancer, and treatment of brain metastasis can lead to significant morbidity. Although early detection of brain metastasis may improve outcomes, there is no current clinical consensus on how to identify high-risk patients for brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) surveillance. Our model, Risk Assessment for Metastasis to Brain Outcome (RAMBO), utilizes clinical and tumor genomic characteristics at the time of diagnosis to predict risk of future brain metastasis development.