The Han Lab In the News

  • – News Medical Life Sciences

    Lung cancer detected by LDCT screening linked to lower brain metastases risk

    Patients with primary lung cancer detected using low-dose computed tomography screening are at reduced risk of developing brain metastases after diagnosis, according to a study published in the Journal of Thoracic Oncology.

  • – Diagnostic Imaging

    Lung Cancer Detection with LDCT Linked to Lower Brain Metastasis Risk

    Patients who have their disease detected with low-dose CT have a half-fold risk of brain metastasis than patients screened with other methods. Add a lower risk of brain metastasis to the ever-growing list of benefits associated with low-dose CT (LDCT) lung cancer screening. According to a study published June 3 in the Journal of Thoracic Oncology, patients who have their lung cancer detected with LDCT have half the risk of a subsequent brain metastasis than do patients whose disease is diagnosed via alternative methods.